Some new information about Location test period extension.
Yes. I download files from this torrent without any problem.
Re: Direct Feed Any news about the new test version, which runs on arcades from (AFAIK) monday? I heard there are some significant changes, but...
If 2P won't clash and P or K will (+ you can do less ecsapec into ETEG), won't this leed only to more abusing of relativly safe 2P in disadvantage...
link to E.avi looks like does not working... My IE say it cannot find that file.
There is no reaspon for apologize yourself. I can understand you don't have a time, so you cannot make it - just by post that here you do more...
New update, presented as on-click pop-up window. Way to complicated text for me to translate, but looks like something will happend with replay...
*** Check VFDC FileFront *** 5 new vids: Pai vs Sarah - mbutter(sa)_pai.wmv Vanessa vs Lion - tokko(va)_lion.wmv Jacky vs Pai -...
New update, saying something like 4/28, friday, on whole countriside will be gradually open 30 new "rocketesuto" followed with link to list of...
How large is one block in America? [img] That will be nice... Will you help me find the way to arcade? Or will it be possible to arrange some...
EVo or FT? I never play FT, so if it will be possible to try it, it will be really nice... But I really don't care which one of this I will play...
And is there any chance to have some games with you during sunday 7th?
Re: VF5 Nammy & Super G's direct feed replays Any source, or just "feeling"?
Re: Direct Feed Did anyone recognize in the las Akira vs Lau vid, that in Lau's [2_],[6]+[P]+[G] throw does not fit animation with sounds? BTW...
New vid up Kage, Jacky, Lau, Jacky, Lion vs Jacky, Kage, Kage, Kage, Shun Last one is Chibita vs Itazan
Re: El Blaze vs Wolf!!! Where exactly? Can't find even one...
In another of the newest clips, Wolf throw Blaze, but because Blaze is really small beside to Wolf, Wolf "grab" just an air above El Blaze head at...
Nope. Just open and download...
They are mirrored at czech VF pages: Lion vs Eileen Wolf vs Lion
I am afraid I cannot come despite I will be at E3. I come to LA 6th and I will leave 12th... Will it be possible to make some small gathering...
Separate names with a comma.