HAHAHAHA!!! You got that right but oh ok man I mainly wanta to know because I can't do it offline, so I wanted to learn it.
With all the "Starting Out With" forums on here I'm going to make an effort to try every character. But I still believe Wite Wimmen FTW! :D
Will admit it looks super nuts and I want it but I'm not sure if I want to go through the trouble of a Japanese PSN account for it
Actually I got the hard copy but, unfortunately you still need to a JPN PSN account to play online because there online pass only works on JPN account. Kinda find it a dumb because BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma doesn't have either requirement, then again Gundam is VERY VERY huge thing in Japan lol.
I be getting my ass kicked in the regular version. Those japanese players ain't know joke. Wish full boost was compatible with vanilla so we could play.
BRO! BRO! Bro-Check this out: http://shoryuken.com/2014/04/22/under-night-in-birth-heading-to-playstation-3-in-july/ Its FINALLY coming!!!!!!!!!!
Played Offline VF for the first time with @steelbaz. I had good games with a pack of Starbust on the side. What's Goood!?
I met some DOA players in VF yesterday and I swear they were hitting every button but the "G" button.
Don't you know that DLC is considered to only be for rich people, frightening away in that Pay to Win route? It is totally unfair to the other player if you just block their cool attacks they input so fast!! scrubby tactics! :p