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Feb 28, 2025
Mar 18, 2008
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Nov 21, 1981 (Age: 43)

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Yosha!, Male, 43, from Minnesota

Still not sure how I feel about the hit tracking. On one hand, it feels too strong. On the other, evading would be far too strong without it Feb 3, 2025

Tha_FeauchA was last seen:
Feb 28, 2025
    1. Tha_FeauchA
      Bought GG Xrd Rev 2 since I hear its good game. Awesome time learning with its modes, go online to find about as many ppl play that as VF :/
      1. BLACKSTAR and jimi Claymore like this.
      2. Tha_FeauchA
        I swear, it's like a curse when it comes to fighting games that people say have good mechanics/ it's a solid fighting game. Hardly anyone plays them. Only see people on at night for GG. Least the lobby system is good, so it's not hard to find the 30+ ppl that play..
        Dec 6, 2017
        jimi Claymore likes this.
        GG players love to play on pc since the network is a little better. It is hard to catch people at times.
        Dec 6, 2017
      4. Tha_FeauchA
        Well, that sucks, lol. Dang shame.
        Jan 1, 2018
    2. Tha_FeauchA
      When those yearly Xbox Gold subscriptions go on sale, I'm grabbing one. Though I'd only get to VF a couple days a week, I miss playing it.
      1. Stl_Tim and Kruza like this.
    3. Tha_FeauchA
      Since I got a PS4, I been playing SFV n using Juri. Looked up some Juri vids and turns out, GT is out there doin ill work with her, lol.
      1. VFhayato likes this.
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      3. Tricky
        people try to get him to come out. even pay him to do it. he has his reasons. god damn moutain man
        Dec 1, 2017
      4. Tha_FeauchA
        Hmm. Wild. Maybe he just doesn't like being around people, or think he's good enough to make decent cash in it and sees no point in going. Or is just too busy. Don't really matter to me, though. Was kinda wild to see his name pop up in the YouTube videos and to see him going in on cats. Didn't even know he played the game, lol.
        Dec 6, 2017
      5. steelbaz
        Yeah I saw him Teleporting all over the screen vs PrRog months back. Infiltration can't cash offline with Juri in tourneys or anyone else for that matter.
        Dec 12, 2017
    4. Tha_FeauchA
      Man, working overnights suck for VF play since matches only happen during the evening :/ Haven't renewed my Xbox Gold because of that.
      1. jimi Claymore likes this.
    5. Tha_FeauchA
      I can't believe Mayweather vs McGregor is actually gonna happen! Build up has been hype. I'm a fan of both fighters. Aint droppin $100 tho.
      1. jimi Claymore and AkiraZero like this.
      2. MakiLeSushi
        Conor will make bound his head...
        Jul 15, 2017
    6. Tha_FeauchA
      Finally got a PS4. Bloodborne is whoopin my azz, lol. After the third boss, the difficulty jumped up pretty good. I'm enjoying the game, tho
      1. Stl_Tim likes this.
    7. Tha_FeauchA
      If they come out with another VF (and for consoles), I hope they get rid of lazy throw escapes.
      1. steelbaz and spacetime like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. BLACKSTAR
        LTE is wack
        Jun 1, 2017
      4. erdraug
        I think a priority should be simplifying the side-turned system: -2/-3/-6 frames of disadvantage depending on the damage of the attack blocked is unnecessarily complex.
        Jun 1, 2017
      5. Sonic The Fighters
        Sonic The Fighters
        They just need to make a fresh new VF, with some new moves & strings, new animations, new characters, new costumes & stages (next gen graphics style), maybe a new mechanic & new modes...
        Jun 1, 2017
    8. Tha_FeauchA
      Definitely new people floating around ranked matches since the gamepass thing. Hopefully will hang around long enough to learn the VF system
      1. jimi Claymore and oneida like this.
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      3. Jason Elbow
        Jason Elbow
        What's gamepass?
        May 28, 2017
      4. Tha_FeauchA
        @Jason Elbow , For Xbox One, you can pay an additional $10 a month on top of the Gold membership, and get full access to a pretty big library of games.
        May 29, 2017
      5. Jason Elbow
        Jason Elbow
        Oh ok like PlayStation plus.
        May 31, 2017
    9. Tha_FeauchA
      May be my older age, but, the lit up floor lights on Brads stage straight blinds me. They should've left them un-lit like in VF5/R.
      1. Cmoney, BLACKSTAR and Citrus like this.
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      3. Tha_FeauchA
        @Cruz, I'm 35. @Myke, It could be cause of the size of my tv (60 inch). So it makes the floor huge. I always play in a well lit room and far away from it, though (bout 10 feet). Of all the games I've played n play, the floor on that stage is just like blaow, lol. I can barely look at their feet. I have the display set to game mode, so the brightness isn't high or nothin.
        Apr 11, 2017
      4. Citrus
        It's not just you, I have the same problem here, no matter the display I use, they fixed that on some maps (Like Akira's), they managed to change Brad's stage to make it look incredibly bad compared to the previous versions.

        The same problem with flashy costumes, japanese players like to abuse.
        Apr 11, 2017
      5. Cmoney
        Yeah that stage is a trip..You can't tell whether or not you have a confirmed counterhit it's so lit up.
        Apr 12, 2017
    10. Tha_FeauchA
      I practiced doing EMTEG so much in vanilla, that I still do it out of habit when playing FS, lol.
    11. Tha_FeauchA
      Front page is lookin good!!
      1. jimi Claymore, Myke and oneida like this.
    12. Tha_FeauchA
      Today I learned that I can't buy paperback versions of the 'Hajime no ippo' manga because it was never licensed for English.. That sucks..
      1. Jason Elbow
        Jason Elbow
        Isnt that manga similar to "Tomorrow's Joe?"
        Mar 6, 2017
      2. Tha_FeauchA
        Yeah, it's a manga about boxing too. Never read that one though. Have to check it out sometime.
        Mar 8, 2017
    13. Tha_FeauchA
      That struggle when the few fighting games you play have really small communities. So you can't just turn the game on and get matches :/
      1. Ellis and BLACKSTAR like this.
      2. AngryFlyingChop
        Sometimes VF5 feels surprisingly more full then a Arksys game 6 months after launch.
        Feb 10, 2017
        jimi Claymore likes this.
    14. Tha_FeauchA
      Could never play with the arcade stick in my lap. Dunno how ppl do it. I need to have it on some kind of table. At home, I use a plastic bin
      1. adamYUKI and jimi Claymore like this.
      2. Cozby
        sometimes i play on the floor with the stick under my legs
        Dec 11, 2016
      3. Tha_FeauchA
        I'd probably do that too, if I had no chair or anything to set my stick on, and my choices were either my lap, or the floor. Putting it on my lap is just too close to me. Putting me in T-rex arm status.
        Dec 13, 2016
    15. Tha_FeauchA
      So, I got BlazBlue CSE the other day to push buttons in another fighter. The tutorial was like, an hour and a half long, lol. Was good, tho.
      1. leftylizard likes this.
      2. leftylizard
        Oct 5, 2016
        Stl_Tim and Tha_FeauchA like this.
      3. Tha_FeauchA
        Oct 5, 2016
      4. Stl_Tim
        Lefty lizard w/ the recovery. ggs.
        Oct 5, 2016
    16. Tha_FeauchA
      Man. What Trunks did in the latest episode of Dragon Ball Super, was legendary. The music, the screen was shaking. Awesome moment.
    17. Tha_FeauchA
      Anyone here got 3rd Strike for the 360? I'm pretty bad at it, but it's a lot of fun to play. Drop ya GT here if you wanna play some.
      1. Devdan
        I'm all about 3S, but got no internet atm :(

        You picked good starting characters IMO. Gotta get those fundamentals, something I couldn't do when I tried starting with Akuma.
        Aug 25, 2016
      2. Tha_FeauchA
        Yeah man. Those characters just seem to be the ones I like using, so far. Yang is pretty cool too. But still not sure if I'll ever use him. Also, them Akumas be doin me dirty out there online, lol.
        Aug 26, 2016
    18. Tha_FeauchA
      I've had '3rd Strike' for years, but never really played it much. Tried it online today, and the game is actually pretty fun! Hahah.
      1. leftylizard likes this.
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      3. Tha_FeauchA
        Yeah man. I'm trying to learn Ryu and Makoto. It's rough out there, hahah.
        Aug 20, 2016
      4. leftylizard
        If you want a tip. DON'T try and parry everything. Rule of thumb is only attempt parry if you are 100% sure.
        Aug 20, 2016
        Tha_FeauchA likes this.
      5. Tha_FeauchA
        But them parry reads though, lol. Nah, I know where you're coming from.
        Aug 20, 2016
    19. Tha_FeauchA
      Dam. They gonna start having an 'EVO Japan'. I could see em having VF as one of their games, since they'd have the numbers to support/do it.
      1. BLACKSTAR likes this.
      2. AngryFlyingChop
        They announced something like this years ago and I don't think it happened.
        Jul 18, 2016
      3. YOMI
        'EVO Japan', you mean Tougeki?
        Jul 18, 2016
      4. BLACKSTAR
        They announced EVO Japan 5 years ago, but the tohoku earthquake derailed it. I hope VF is there, if it is, I'm definitely gonna be there!
        Jul 18, 2016
        Tha_FeauchA likes this.
    20. Tha_FeauchA
      Seeing all these DLC outfits for other fighters makes me appreciate the way FS did it with their DLC items. You get so much for all *cont*
      1. BLACKSTAR likes this.
      2. Tha_FeauchA
        the characters for such a good price. They could've easily done a shit load of $3 packs, and even charged for the other costume types. They hooked it up, for real. Glad they weren't greedy and didn't try to take advantage of people.
        Jul 15, 2016
      3. Modelah
        *cough DOA *cough
        Jul 16, 2016
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    Nov 21, 1981 (Age: 43)


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