Last Activity:
Jul 9, 2022
Nov 11, 2014
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Jan 31, 1951 (Age: 74)

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Well-Known Member, Male, 74

sup May 25, 2022

og23 was last seen:
Jul 9, 2022
    1. Dollar Yen
      Dollar Yen
      E... where are you?
    2. og23
      1. MadeManG74
        May 25, 2022
      2. jimi Claymore
        jimi Claymore
        Hi, welcome back!
        May 26, 2022
    3. og23
      Akihikoooooooo........... I reeeessssssspect your enthusiammmmmmmmm
    4. og23
      NMTC 2 huh?
    5. og23
      BB is fun but I miss my girl Vanessa. Maybe I'll get the band back together and start playing again. I still had so much left to learn in VF
      1. Jason Elbow
        Jason Elbow
        You never stop learning. Your game can always be enhanced.
        Dec 2, 2016
    6. og23
      Looking to explore options to get online VF3 emulation running, would anyone be down to run it with me if emulation/online is good enough?
      1. IcKY99
        U can try demul. Connections are hit n miss. Desyncs often
        Nov 25, 2016
        og23 likes this.
      2. oneida
        i would play the shit out of this!
        Nov 28, 2016
      3. og23
        @oneida Join me, and we will be crash test dummies in this together, and pave the way for online VF3! But seriously, I need someone to test this with.
        Nov 29, 2016
    7. og23
      Woah, I forgot how fun this game was
      1. Tricky
        knew you wouldn't quit
        Nov 12, 2016
    8. og23
      Grab the grip-skittily when mother fuckas start getting silly
      1. BBountyHuntyr likes this.
    9. og23
      Does any one have a floor I can sleep on for NYGX2, hotel plans fell through :(
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Stl_Tim
        Ask Andy, but the white couch is ONLY for hiro.
        Jul 30, 2016
        adamYUKI likes this.
      3. Tricky
        sofa bed it is. Marly had it last year. He got in again if he wants this time around too.
        Jul 30, 2016
      4. shadowmaster
        A recent financial transaction might doom me too and it happened recently. I will still be able to go but I am not sure if I can afford a hotel for even a night at this point. I am still hoping that I can get one but I am not sure at this point.
        Aug 1, 2016
    10. og23
      You did a move that was -20, and I went to launch it, and then I get CH2P -> Thrown. Memes are real kids
      1. View previous comments...
      2. og23
        There is a reason I don't like playing online, in any game, really
        Jun 2, 2016
        BlackGeneral and steelbaz like this.
      3. cruzlink2
        hahaha it is the same in every game man but if you don't have offline comp you don't have much choice.
        Jun 3, 2016
        og23 likes this.
      4. og23
        ^ you rite
        Jun 4, 2016
    11. og23
      Godoku made a video about me, I'm in the big leagues now boys!
      1. Tricky, Modelah, Ellis and 1 other person like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Modelah
        Make a thread and get people to post vids so we can share the lols
        Jun 1, 2016
      4. Jason Elbow
        Jason Elbow
        I fought that guy online. I thought he was....well...better...
        Jun 1, 2016
        leftylizard likes this.
      5. Tricky
        where's the video c'mon out with the good son!
        Jun 1, 2016
    12. og23
      Well due to a rather funny event, I have xbox live for the month, ask me for games!
      1. BlackGeneral and Stl_Tim like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. shadowmaster
        What XBL tag are you using I might finally use this situation to turn my 360 on for once. I like that van you had at NYG for sure. Van is my second favorite match to play in overall.
        May 31, 2016
        og23 likes this.
      4. Terracrush
        send me your xbl tag. its fun beating up vanessa.
        May 31, 2016
      5. og23
        Sorry fellas! My tag is og da n00b, my internet connection isn't the best, but I should be on for a bit tomorrow (well later today actually)
        Jun 1, 2016
    13. og23
      Don't be running your mouth about my main lady! @Cozby
      1. Ellis likes this.
    14. og23
      4EVO Akira > FS Akira, beating a dead horse and I don't care
      1. Kamais_Ookin and steelbaz like this.
      2. Stl_Tim
        Evo/FT nuff said..
        May 20, 2016
    15. og23
      My statement yesterday about VF4 has been redacted, I humbly admit that I'm a fucking scrub and a retard
      1. Kobi likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Kamais_Ookin
        Finally come to your senses I see.
        May 12, 2016
        steelbaz likes this.
      4. cruzlink2
        Just play the game so you may gain perspective in why all these real OGs complaint about FS ;).
        May 12, 2016
        VFhayato and steelbaz like this.
      5. VFhayato
        come and live in NYC and play with us lets go!
        May 13, 2016
        steelbaz likes this.
    16. og23
      Does anyone know what the throw break window is for a successful MTE in VF4? I read somewhere that it's 8 frames, but I'm not sure
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Stl_Tim
        MTE has a rhythm/time to it or else it cancels it out and your thrown.
        Furthermore, if memory serves me correct some situations based on amount of frames only allows qte, mte, and te.
        Simply put, evo is superior in every vf facet period.
        May 12, 2016
      3. og23
        Easier than people say* if you're going to quote me, at least quote me correctly
        May 12, 2016
        cmase1989 likes this.
      4. cmase1989
        it definately is one of those games that CAN be difficult should you go for the more technical or deep answers. As simple as: MTEs are a little tricky, but the simple answer is you can just attack to beat throw.
        May 12, 2016
    17. og23
      I'm learning how to play VF4:Evo, the game is a lot easier than people say. I found an unblockable in 5 minutes
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      2. steelbaz
        Lmfao you're free and the Tornoto scene is trash tier sub year 1 PSN levels. You guys can't even use FS dash cancels there is no way you can do 3 or 4 MTE's in VF4 or any of it's advanced stuff when you can't even use FS's system properly. Come get klowned in our region whenever you want scrub.
        May 11, 2016
        IcKY99 and Kamais_Ookin like this.
      3. og23
        I dash cancel all the time in FS, it's not hard, as for MTE, I can only do like 3 at most if I'm buffering during an evade or a throw punishable move, that seems pretty optimal to me, only thing I can see is that MTE doesn't really seem practical in situations where you can fuzzy, or situations in neutral, abare makes more sense to me in those cases. Is there some sort of super impossible VF4 tech I'm missing?
        May 11, 2016
      4. cmase1989
        @steelbaz speaking of the majority of our scene which is true. Players like og23, myself, johnson(j6 commander) and raymond(teevo) are pretty much the exceptions. I feel everyone else is very casual that plays and hasn't really gotten to that level yet. And i do disagree, with og though on this, vf4 is pretty tough.
        May 12, 2016
    18. og23
      Does Itoshun still play? I want to see that godlike Brad in action
      1. steelbaz
        Search youtube because he dropped FS long ago... Unless he gave up on Tekken and started playing ancient FS again more recently.
        Apr 14, 2016
    19. og23
      Some people complain way too much about the game. It's dead, we fucking get it. People saying that X game is better doesn't change anything
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      2. og23
        Also, you're not going to let us live Toryuken down, are you baz? I mean, the scene consisted of mostly people who have been playing for less than a year, and two old ass men who only recently picked up the game again because they only recently found people to play with. The sad part about it is that I want to run it back with Kamias now that I know the game better, but now he doesn't play anymore. S A D B O Y Z
        Mar 23, 2016
        BLACKSTAR likes this.
      3. og23
        All I have left to say is this; Marvel players, Melee players, hell even Melty Blood players, they all don't give a fuck about what their game looks like in terms of popularity, they still play, because they truly love the game, and that's the position I'm in with the Toronto scene. I'm keeping it alive up here because it's one of my favorite fighting games, and I want to continue to improve, simple as that
        Mar 23, 2016
        BLACKSTAR and jimi Claymore like this.
      4. cmase1989
        @og23 some people work : ) i cant make it out to casuals for that haha. And yeah @steelbaz, ease up on a tournament from Toryuken a while ago, people where new and getting into the game myself included at the time. Dont be so toxic to the scene, calling people out isnt going to grow the community. New players arent attracted to drama, were playing video games to have fun arent we?
        May 12, 2016
    20. og23
      SFV id: Shinkai Who wants to throw hands with this Karin scrub?
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