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Dec 7, 2023
Nov 20, 2012
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January 29
Serbia / France

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Well-Known Member, Male, from Serbia / France

Content Mgr Vanessa

Hahaha new golden axe and new street of rage, hahaha all we were waitin for Dec 7, 2023

MakiLeSushi was last seen:
Dec 7, 2023
    1. MakiLeSushi
      The fight vs the masked guy from lumen is just awesome =O
      1. Craigbot likes this.
      2. Craigbot
        He keeps you on your toes! :)
        Nov 17, 2015
      3. MakiLeSushi
        I finished the game yesterday. I found it easier than the 1st one
        Nov 18, 2015
        Craigbot likes this.
      4. Craigbot
        It's not so hard as the 1st Bayonetta, bur just as good. What's your Nintendo ID so I can add you to my friends' list?
        Nov 18, 2015
    2. MakiLeSushi
      From tomorrow break for vf and van, start bayonetta 2. I m wonderin if it s better than the 1st one.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Craigbot
        I didn't know you have Bayonetta 2. Maybe we can play co-op in it score some halos. Bayonetta 1 is still the true classic.
        Nov 16, 2015
      3. MakiLeSushi
        Something weird also, maybe because i played a lot the first one but i m at chapter 8 and i still didn t lost a single life. Sure craig. Even if idk what is about online
        Nov 17, 2015
      4. Craigbot
        It's Tag Climax, where you any complete 6 verses at any difficulty. The higher the difficulty, the more halos you can get and more damage you take.
        Nov 17, 2015
    3. MakiLeSushi
      Tomorrow evening finally back online after almost a month i cant wait. I just hope there will be players =)
      1. jimi Claymore, Craigbot and steelbaz like this.
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      3. Manjimaru
        Maki, do you have a new internet connection yet? :)
        Nov 13, 2015
      4. Craigbot
        Time to get ready for this Vanessa again :)
        Nov 13, 2015
        MakiLeSushi likes this.
      5. MakiLeSushi
        Nov 13, 2015
    4. MakiLeSushi
      @Cozby actually i think he s the strongest in eu. If there were a gt vs nero i d put my money on him. But connection doesn t allow that...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. steelbaz
        He doesn't even play offline. Let me know when he beats EU's top offline player Kingo in an offline FT10 or tournment. Let me know when Pana beats Japanese players Itazan and AoPai in an offline tournament like GT has then I will agree. Until then this is laughable and i'd bet you $1,000 U.S. on GT over Andrew Pana in an offline FT10 set if that were to happen.
        Nov 10, 2015
        Jacko likes this.
      3. MakiLeSushi
        Play offline, lol here isn t usa. In fact he played irl with godel or mister, he said pana is stronger irl... about gt total respect but this happened maybe 2y ago. He doesn t play much since it. The same for kingo. On the other side i see pana playin everyday, watch vid japs and apply, improving consistenly. On the paper gt is the favorite, but i put my 1000 on the out sider :)no offense baz u re still my bro :)
        Nov 11, 2015
        Manjimaru, Pai~Chun and steelbaz like this.
      4. Manjimaru
        As Maki said, Pana has played offline with other Italians.
        Nov 13, 2015
    5. MakiLeSushi
      Ok back to france through serbia croatia slovenia austria and germany then france. 2000km, i hope my titine will go fast & furious =)
      1. jimi Claymore and BLACKSTAR like this.
      2. Unicorn
        Now get out and get thefiber in so we can play!!!! :oD
        Looking forward to play you again; any time you will be available earlier that mid-night, please feel free to let me know :o)
        Nov 7, 2015
        MakiLeSushi likes this.
    6. MakiLeSushi
      I wanna play vf!!!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. MakiLeSushi
        Ty guys i m up for each and eone of u. I m back in france in sunday but i ll be online only the next weekend. I got some stuff to practice with van before i come back to play u. In other word i ll scare u =p
        Nov 5, 2015
        Craigbot likes this.
      3. Craigbot
        Well, let me get ready for you then. Bring it on!
        Nov 6, 2015
        MakiLeSushi likes this.
      4. Ares-olimpico
        i don't ready. it take me years. i wanna play
        Nov 6, 2015
        MakiLeSushi likes this.
    7. MakiLeSushi
      @og23 u did it =) congrats. Btw i told u u can win ;) @cobratron good job too my friend
      1. og23 and jimi Claymore like this.
      2. og23
        Thank for the support Maki, means a lot coming from you!
        Nov 1, 2015
        MakiLeSushi likes this.
    8. MakiLeSushi
      I want an update for vf. Add the star player bonus =0
      1. jimi Claymore likes this.
      2. steelbaz
        Why add it, it's an offline only title that requires tournament attendance to gain.
        Oct 31, 2015
      3. MakiLeSushi
        coz offline is almost unexistant and most of players play online, so why not
        Oct 31, 2015
        Pai~Chun likes this.
      4. steelbaz
        Because online is garbage and SEGA wishes not to acknowledge it would be my guess.
        Oct 31, 2015
    9. MakiLeSushi
      I saw my last matches and i saw a lot of mistakes comparing to top players or even jp.The point is that now i know what i have to practice.
      1. jimi Claymore and Craigbot like this.
      2. Kamais_Ookin
        Why more practice? Game is dead.
        Oct 29, 2015
        steelbaz likes this.
      3. og23
        What kind of mistakes did you notice, Maki?
        Oct 29, 2015
      4. MakiLeSushi
        @Kamais_Ookin for me the game will die when vf6 will be come.
        @og23 mainly some basic stuffs like i evade and i don t watch the move i evaded, i have to cd fuzzy a loooot more and cancel all my evades. I lose too much life because of those stupid stuffs!!!
        Oct 29, 2015
        BlackGeneral likes this.
    10. MakiLeSushi
      Lil holydays in Serbia. I m feelin good
      1. jimi Claymore likes this.
    11. MakiLeSushi
      Ok taka is good, very good. But Van is Van...
      1. Craigbot and Kruza like this.
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      3. Modelah
        Well, you know McDonalds is McDonalds, and KFC is KFC. Both good.
        Oct 10, 2015
      4. MakiLeSushi
        Both good but u always prefer one over the other ;)
        Oct 11, 2015
      5. Modelah
        Yes, McD's Happy Meal toys are way better. lol
        Oct 12, 2015
        MakiLeSushi likes this.
    12. MakiLeSushi
      @Unicorn today serbia vs rep czech 1/4 finals euro basket. 2nd thing omg they find detergent in our staropramen wtf!!!
      1. Unicorn
        Illuminati contaminated our Swedish barrels obviously ;o) But no bottles are affected. And in basket... go people go! :o)
        Sep 16, 2015
        MakiLeSushi likes this.
    13. MakiLeSushi
      1. Kamais_Ookin, Craigbot and Sozos like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. MakiLeSushi
        Being a badass doesn t make him stronger... and goku "the clown" kicked badass's ass a lot of times
        Sep 9, 2015
      4. Kamais_Ookin
        It's not Vegeta's fault that Akira Toriyama loves sucking on Goku's dick so much!
        Sep 9, 2015
      5. MakiLeSushi
        Sep 10, 2015
    14. MakiLeSushi
      5 days long battle, 9 demotion matches survived, promoted, demoted and re-promoted and today it comes to an end. Jacko props to you!!!
      1. Craigbot, Kruza, adamYUKI and 4 others like this.
    15. MakiLeSushi
      I am a super saiyan lol
      1. Craigbot and Jacko like this.
    16. Jacko
      ggs! You talk struggle? I never had such a hard time demoting someone ever LOL. Had you like 3x at demotion and you fought harder every time. Much respect. Til' next time. :)
      1. Craigbot and Kruza like this.
      2. MakiLeSushi
        man i swet lol it was fucking tight... i really suffered, i would really keep on fight but it s late i can t be focus anymore. hm seems that next time i ll have to deal with jeff... Whatever much respect for u too u re an awesome opponent =)
        Aug 24, 2015
    17. MakiLeSushi
      @Jacko why didn t u use Sarah?
      1. Craigbot and Jacko like this.
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      3. Jacko
        Hahaha I enjoy playing you, man. One day I really wish we can get an offline set, but for now online is all we got and it's actually decent conn!
        Aug 20, 2015
      4. Jacko
        When I landed her just frame kicks more than twice, I already knew to stick with her. So in a way, I'm glad you did suggest the choice.
        Aug 20, 2015
      5. MakiLeSushi
        Me too bro u re a smart player offline would be great. I m motivate for nygxi if it happens i could make it... it could be the opportunity. But nothing sure. For now i stay focused to demote you :)
        Aug 20, 2015
    18. MakiLeSushi
      ggs vfdc mods that was an awesome battle Nwo too, flash u did well
      1. Kruza
        It wasn't a complete team battle without Marly and Shang participating in it. But it was a great set nonetheless.
        Aug 16, 2015
    19. MakiLeSushi
      that feelin with taka when in a combo u do 43p and u get only 3p @_@
      1. Sozos likes this.
      2. Sozos
        Hahaha, I thought only me had this feeling. It Happens to me infinite times.
        Aug 12, 2015
    20. MakiLeSushi
      @Mold_Monkey93 if u wanna learn van add me we ll do mirrors matches. I ll show u what i know with her
      1. Mold_Monkey93 and Kruza like this.
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    January 29
    Serbia / France


    uni: high peep with body Wolf will not be ashamed to have looking at you. Wow. "Hi Im Maki, nice to meet you unicorn" I was in shock really
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