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Dec 15, 2013
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January 2
New York

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Well-Known Member, Male, from New York

@Blitzball Champ Kazuki is AMAZING, get on it ASAP. Nov 18, 2019

Jacko was last seen:
Mar 4, 2023
    1. Jacko
    2. Jacko
      Pick a stage, any stage.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Jacko
        The Truth.
        Aug 20, 2015
      3. Kamais_Ookin
        As a Jeffry we'd love people to pick taco stage against us!
        Aug 20, 2015
      4. Craigbot
        They pick the taco, you bring the sides/fillings so it looks and taste delicious at the end.
        Aug 20, 2015
    3. Jacko
      Cassie Cage awaits me. Soon, Josie Rizal will await me too.
      1. Kamais_Ookin, steelbaz and IcKY99 like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Kamais_Ookin
        It used to be just us but now you can play Jacko too in those games! We can setup a room and play too. You promised to teach me some tekken, can we start with lucky chloe?
        Apr 13, 2015
      4. BBountyHuntyr
        ...you know what? Let me make a statement about this.
        Apr 13, 2015
      5. Jacko
        Tekken 7 looks legit fun. I don't care about "competitive" Tekken or anything these days. I just want to play different fighters and have fun. FS is boring crap these days.
        Apr 18, 2015
    4. Jacko
      A Cruel Angel's Thesis.
      1. Valakrie likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. AngryFlyingChop
      4. Jacko
        Mar 17, 2015
      5. Jacko
        Evangelion movie 4 this year! Can't wait! Tis 2015, Where all da Angels at?
        Mar 17, 2015
    5. Jacko
      I am The Senate.
    6. Jacko
      I wouldn't mind doing a FT20 with someone. Who thinks they can hang?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Jacko
        Lol Cozby. As the great DMX says: "Fuck what you heard". Mold, I rather play on main set up pre-stream if you want to play me for that long. I'm not down with the laggy monitor.
        Feb 15, 2015
      3. Jacko
        Or on stream if a lot of people don't show up.
        Feb 15, 2015
      4. Blitzball Champ
        Blitzball Champ
        We have played each other a good bit, so doing a FT20 against you ain't an issue!
        Feb 15, 2015
    7. Blitzball Champ
      Blitzball Champ
      Just wanted to say thanks again for all the matches we have played. I will continue to give it my best and get better!
      1. Jacko likes this.
      2. Jacko
        Keep up the good work.
        Jan 21, 2015
    8. Craigbot
      Hey Jacko, what's up? I was wondering if you help me improve my VF game. Your side-turned game is impressive, catches me everytime and I need work on that and anything else that's necessary.
      1. Jacko likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Craigbot
        You know Jacko, I may need some practice against Sarah. I'll be playing Blackstar on Sunday, my 1st RAW match. If you're available for sparring, let me know.
        Jan 22, 2015
      4. Jacko
        I'll be on at 6pm so that's about 2 hours before your match.
        Jan 25, 2015
      5. Craigbot
        Hey Jacko, I didn't get on in time to do some sparring matches, but RAW was pretty good. I lost, but I wanted the experience so I know for next time what to expect. We should still have our sparring matches sometime.
        Jan 26, 2015
    9. Craigbot
      Happy Birthday Jacko! I hope Jeffry brought all you need for the New Year and your birthday!
      1. Jacko likes this.
      2. Libertine
        I didn't know about this. Happy Birthday!
        Jan 4, 2015
    10. Mold_Monkey93
      Jacko is a beast, that is all.
      1. Craigbot and Jacko like this.
      2. Craigbot
        An entertaining beast, if you like.
        Jan 2, 2015
    11. Jacko
      I'll stain my hands, with your blood.
    12. Jacko
      If you want to know the inspiration behind Aoi Umenokouji's VF5 look, google "Yukishiro Tomoe".
      1. Mold_Monkey93 and BLACKSTAR like this.
    13. Jacko
      Pluto is back.
      1. BBountyHuntyr likes this.
    14. BBountyHuntyr
      HEY YOU. Have you played Aoi yet?
      1. Craigbot likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Jacko
        I played numerous characters in VF4 because the movelists back then weren't so extensive. I mained Jeff and Sarah always, but Aoi was my 3rd character. I only dabbled with Goh in VF5 Vanilla. I didn't like him in the 4 series.
        Oct 26, 2014
      4. BBountyHuntyr
        Wow, I've never pictured you as an Aoi player at really. You seem so...aggressive Lol I honestly want to see your style playing as her. I may learn something new. Next time we are in a match, you mind giving a demonstration?
        Oct 26, 2014
      5. Jacko
        I'm late reading this, but I don't know enough of her to give any accurate demonstration. It's easy to memorize moves/combos, but I still have to learn proper punishes vs other characters, wall/ring awareness, etc. I could do so in VF4: Evolution and Final Tuned because I invested a lot of time in the VF4 incarnation of Aoi.
        Nov 1, 2014
    15. Jacko
      Now I'm getting Aoi fever.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Jacko
        I played her in VF4Evo and Vanilla 5. I forgot how fun all her cancels were. At some point I might pick her up again.
        Oct 12, 2014
      3. BBountyHuntyr
        I hope so. That way we have another Aoi on the field Lol
        Oct 12, 2014
      4. Craigbot
        The Aoi fever hasn't spread to Jacko yet lol.
        Jan 2, 2015
    16. Jacko
      I made sure to DVR record the Dallas Cowboys game so i could play on RAW tonight.
      1. daRockReaper
        Boo Your a Dallas Fan?I'm a Redskins fan, we automatically have beef RAW FT10 Next week lol
        Sep 29, 2014
    17. Jacko
      I wouldn't say match of the century, but it should be one hell of a slobber knocker. These two want to destroy each other and I can't wait!
    18. BBountyHuntyr
      1. Jacko likes this.
      2. Jacko
        lol of course I have long since seen/heard this (even have the song on my ipod), but thank you for the gesture. :)
        Sep 27, 2014
      3. BBountyHuntyr
        Yea, I had a gut feeling you have to have seen this before Lol But thank you for the Aoi link, I was looking for that FOREVER. But since it's in Japanese I couldn't find it. I'll find something good for you next time around.
        Sep 27, 2014
    19. Jacko
      Damn shame. Ranked Match COULD be fun if people didn't dodge each other.
      1. Kamais_Ookin likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Jacko
        lol him, Cooladdy who is basically SOMEHOW in my rank group (he must've spent like 8 hours straight cherry picking hunters), GunSniper (who dodges GentlemanThief) it's like...come on son.
        Sep 16, 2014
      4. Jacko
        I always thought it was a fun aspect to the game, that makes people fight harder because they want that promotion/avoid demotion. It's even more fun because it's vs. a human opponent as opposed to boring CPU from Quest mode.
        Sep 16, 2014
      5. Jacko
        People dodging and boosting just takes away one of the fun online aspects to the game. Just play!
        Sep 16, 2014
    20. BBountyHuntyr
      The link please? Lolololol Oh and can you type out the score again, my brain farted when you told me before. The numbers crunched too fast. I'm sorry.
      1. Jacko likes this.
      2. Jacko
        8-1 you, 5-3, me, and 2-6 @-BG- .
        Sep 4, 2014
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  • About

    January 2
    New York
    All I set out to do, when the match starts, is whoop somebody's ass. You ain't gotta like how I do it, but I'm damn sure gonna get the job done.


    "Once the wall splat lands, it's time to rest your hands." - Jacko Damage.

    "Everybody's got a plan til they get kneed in the face"
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