Last Activity:
Dec 7, 2023
Nov 20, 2012
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January 29
Serbia / France

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Well-Known Member, Male, from Serbia / France

Content Mgr Vanessa

Hahaha new golden axe and new street of rage, hahaha all we were waitin for Dec 7, 2023

MakiLeSushi was last seen:
Dec 7, 2023
    1. MakiLeSushi
    2. MakiLeSushi
      that feelin when u play with a new controller...
      1. Unicorn
        that feelin when u play... ;)
        Apr 5, 2015
      2. MakiLeSushi
        Yeah that feelin too
        Apr 5, 2015
    3. MakiLeSushi
      Who plays nba 2k?
      1. Kruza
        I used to play the NBA 2K series religiously up until 2K14. Great game for basketball fans if you have friends to play offline with (sounds familiar?). However, online play is lacking in that game as usual. Take Two just can't get netcode and online gameplay right for some reason or another.
        Mar 31, 2015
      2. MakiLeSushi
        I was wonderin if the netcode is better on next gen. I played until the 2k14 too and i m goin to get 2k15 on ps4 so this is why i m asking
        Mar 31, 2015
      3. Kruza
        There were some 2K server breakdowns around the time NBA 2K15 was first released. However, performance of 2K servers is much better now from my understanding.

        And from various reports I've read I don't believe netcode has been a problem for PS4 NBA 2K15 as it had been for previous NBA 2K games on the older PlayStations.
        Mar 31, 2015
    4. MakiLeSushi
      My pad passed away. No vf all the week end omg
      1. EvenPit likes this.
      2. Sindanez
        alot of pro's use controller right?
        Mar 21, 2015
      3. MakiLeSushi
        I use a pad, kingo use it too seidon king crimson and i think denkai too and surely more players... Idk if we are pro but yes some players use pad
        Mar 21, 2015
      4. Sindanez
        i was confused i thought pad=stick... i use controller also rip controller :'(
        Mar 21, 2015
    5. MakiLeSushi
      Just watched terra formars that manga is just amazing!!!!
    6. MakiLeSushi
      I can t stand that lion can get 6dp post round and van only 4 on os and 3 on ds!!!
    7. MakiLeSushi
      Sober combos in progress. For now best discovering are 6dp for wall combo 5 for combo. It s fun i like try all combination of sobers move
    8. SeveredShogun
      My Judo Will Rule You
      1. MakiLeSushi
        lol anytime
        Mar 17, 2015
    9. MakiLeSushi
      Next video project: sober combos. My goal, find one with 5dp or more if it s possible...
      1. BLACKSTAR likes this.
    10. MakiLeSushi
      is shun really a B tier? maybe 1 of the best range, even if he s a LW a weird hitbox, fast launcher, throw which leads to combo and B tier?
      1. Mold_Monkey93 likes this.
      2. Unicorn
        He is B tier as long as he do not have 8 drinks. Then he is A tier. And if he get 16+, he is S tier.
        Problem is drink management, comming from both players
        Mar 15, 2015
      3. MarlyJay
        I think it's more like with 0 drinks he's down with Eileen. B at 6 (chowan) and full 46P options. A at 8 (chowan and 43P+K followups) and A+/S at 10 because of the additional throw. By 16 he's S+ for sure and about 22 or so he becomes God.
        Mar 15, 2015
      4. MakiLeSushi
        Damn i never really took care about drink so much. I guess it s time for sober combo discovering coz 10drinks is easy to get... Ty guies
        Mar 15, 2015
    11. MakiLeSushi
      Doa mechanic: in critical stance u have to guess if the opp will low mid or high attack then reverse. I mean ty tecmo i ll play vf 4ever
      1. steelbaz and BLACKSTAR like this.
      2. Unicorn
        Try SC5 Maki. That game have still nice and alive community in France and it is like VF5FS lite version: in core it is pretty similar, but where VF is "pro" oriented, SC5 is "fun" oriented. I really liked it... except our local community died month after I started to play it.
        Mar 10, 2015
      3. MakiLeSushi
        I understood across doa that i m a vf player that s all. The only game i will play is maybe sf5
        Mar 10, 2015
    12. MakiLeSushi
      those past few days i m playin doa5lr and i get my ass kicked ouch lol
      1. Kamais_Ookin likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Craigbot
        You'll have to read the moves to reverse correctly. Mid punch is 4+G and Mid Kick is 6+G, else to that High Punch/Kick is 7+G and Low Punch/Kick 1+G. Double check to be sure.
        Mar 6, 2015
      4. MakiLeSushi
        i discovered this mornin that 3+G reverse mid K and P it will be easier now mainly for impact hit
        Mar 6, 2015
      5. Craigbot
        Keep learning the game and you'll get there. Do you have DOA5LR for the Xbox One?
        Mar 6, 2015
    13. SilverForte
      Hi there, I'm the new guy. Recently sent you a friend request, hopefully we can get in some games sometime.
      1. MakiLeSushi
        u play on ps or xb, let me know and i ll connect later
        Mar 2, 2015
      2. SilverForte
        Xb, pretty busy atm but Ill let you know when Im free.
        Mar 2, 2015
    14. MakiLeSushi
    15. MakiLeSushi
      since sega announcement i decided i ll try another fighting game, i guess it will be doa...
      1. Kamais_Ookin likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Unicorn
        Last Round is the latest (and last) DOA5 update
        Mar 2, 2015
      4. MakiLeSushi
        so what i have to buy (or dld) first i have to buy doa 5 then the dlc for last round, that s it?
        Mar 2, 2015
      5. Unicorn
        TBH I really do not know :o( I am not playing DoA at all
        Mar 2, 2015
    16. MakiLeSushi
      I have to start workin on my baddest MU: eileen lei & el blaze...
    17. Craigbot
      Hey Maki, what's up? How were the matches against Bounty yesterday? I see you were all up in there lol.
      1. MakiLeSushi
        i didn t play very well idk why i tried so many 9P vs knowing that it doesn t beat aoi s yy but it was great to play him, denkai and gt, but vs gt i was too much stressedd i didn t play well too it s like he s using a kind of "haki" lol
        Feb 25, 2015
      2. Craigbot
        What's a 'haki'? Is that where he dodged your attacks?
        Feb 25, 2015
      3. MakiLeSushi
        Lol haki is from a manga called one piece. It s a kind of fighting spirit which affect the opponent. If u wanna what exactly is search on yt luffy haki...
        Feb 25, 2015
    18. Craigbot
      Hey Maki, I saw your message last night but I was having problems with Xbox Live. Every time I tried to play online, it would sign me out, which doesn't make any sense. I'll try again another time and hope it'll work, I miss your Vanessa.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Craigbot
        Ok then, I was having problems from Monday. Let's hope it gets resolved soon.
        Feb 18, 2015
      3. MakiLeSushi
        for me it is resolved
        Feb 18, 2015
      4. Craigbot
        Cool, I'll see if it's the same for me now.
        Feb 18, 2015
    19. MakiLeSushi
      @daRockReaper @dark_nova_void sry i didn t answer i was playin @lib i ll pm u when i wake up i didn t have time sry @Lefty frenglish lol
      1. Dark Nova Void likes this.
      2. Dark Nova Void
        Dark Nova Void
        All good! We have all done it.
        Feb 18, 2015
    20. MakiLeSushi
      when i make whiff high move by crouching and i punish it the feelin is the same than put a dunk over the whole miami heat's defense
      1. Myke, daRockReaper, Ellis and 2 others like this.
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