PS2 (via pcsx2) emulation works really well. DC i've not dabbled with much though. (use gsdx compiled for SSE4 or above)
I like this quote alot (btw thanks for pointing to that treasure-trove of wisdom bstar:
"Sooo I DC'ed the very moment they told me it was better to play offline, but he wasn't there? - and now I get crap for him dodging?!" :p
While it's got nothing to do with this, it kinda reminds me, ever seen the movie "gamle maend i nye biler"? Don't mind the grammar as that's danish I think. It's a pretty funny dark comedy.
I wouldn't know. but arigatou ;) Make your own, let's get these rolling:
Then it is all solved and alright though. Just let's be more thorough next time, and i'll promise to never go viking on my pad again :)
lol, i was fittingly ashamed of my outburst atleast. but the console is mine, and the pad, so the damage is my own. And the picture?, yes that be me. But i know everyone expects me a full on metalhead from but a glance at my lack of cutting the mane. But i am not such (though i do play bass a bit, and piano and synth and didgeridoo) I listen to all kinds of junk, jazz, reggae, randomness :)
Hey Unicorn. I might be old fashioned but i expected confirmation and some input from the streamer in the ebc thread, a logical expectation?
Happy 71st bday to bstar. wow you are turning old I though i was going to have to worry myself.(Skype said 71st but i have suspicions :p)
If i ever grow wise and give up my VF struggles and ambitions, maybe i'd find a home here:
Ha nice one PReP, and it's nice to finally put a face to the name! :) I was kinda expecting some Reggae/Dub type stuff after seeing some of your music vid posts, though :D