dont listen to that fool if he thinks that nonsense then he is even dumber i taught so have a nice day and play nicely
Kurama my favorite Yu Yu Hakusho character and definitely in my top 10 haha.
Played offline VF today and it was the best I played ever. Also had fun spamming in some ULTRA and UNIB. I don't know if it peaks your interests, but this is all the openings to ALL of the Persona games. What's Gooooood?!
Tell I said What's Goood? (yes just like that), also what his psn, I don't reconize the name Eric from VF or DOA sadly.
Oh my god Under Night In-Birth is next month I can't wait to smash buttons in that game, but until then gotta catch up on these other games.
Oh, and hear these two epic themes for my mains!
Yeah man Akatsuki looks bbadass I can't to try him, but I'm going to these folks.
hey just wanted to ask if your up for a FT5 on psn as part of the RAW stream i know you are active on psn as we played a week ago so thats why im asking let me know so i can tell BLACKSTAR