XBL Good Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. Shidosha

    Shidosha Well-Known Member

    2 kage players that used to ABUSE 0 frame throws surfaced. They are still strong as hell tho. GGs to Exiquiel711 & Dention (Haze75 or something like that)
  2. HiryuZeroTwo

    HiryuZeroTwo Member

    GG's to GodEater on XBL. Thanks for the ten-set, and for showing me some really great Pai play. Very inspiring. Hope to give you more of a challenge next time. I came close here and there but could never quite clinch the win. Next time!
  3. smince82

    smince82 Well-Known Member

    ggs to all i've played recently theres so many people on vf now i simply cant remember everyone so if you remember me ggs. [​IMG]
  4. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    ggs to all the people I played in the recent room battles on XBL in the last few days. They were all fun and enjoyable and the conversations were just as fun too. They are so much better than the boring ranking matches that it is a shame that people don't play room battles as often as they should. You learn so much more in about how to play in room battles too oh well.

    ggs to all the new people I found in ranked too I find many unique styles of play everytime I go through an evening of ranking matches and I hope to find more of them too.
  5. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    GGs shadowmaster, tricky, smince, dention and silentnepilim. i'll get some components cables soon and eventually i can record some xbox live room matches. Gotta work on command execution on arcade stick, messing up guaranteed hit situations and needs work on stagger recovery
  6. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    GGs to Mista Tee!
    Best Vanessa I've faced yet! Great reaction time, movement, decision making and yomi.
    I specially liked what you did during those sideturned situations. Strong stuff. I can tell that you get FS. Playing you I kept thinking "yes! he's doing it right!" That fierceness and lightning fast, intelligent responses woke me up man.
    I'm usually on autopilot but with you it was fuckin on! So much fun... only thing that sucks is that to get a connection that good again we have to play at around 2am or later... oh well, that shit was worth it!
  7. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    GGs to VFnumbers, Shadoolord1979, ThisisEubanks, TrickyVFDC, and everyone else I faced in room matches last night! :3
  8. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    GG's to Drfamilia and motorcityjacky.

    MCJ: Its almost like we play for 2 hours per day lol. I love playing you man, I will keep improving.

    DrFamilia: Im still garbage lol, I will keep going though, eventually, I will develop a defense.
  9. LP3

    LP3 Member

    GGs to Eubanks,MasaRED and Nutzilla. All enjoyable games. Fighting Eubanks and MasaRED really forced me to step my shit up so I appreaciate all those L's I gotta hold. Got a lotta work to do.
  10. Kidvid711

    Kidvid711 Well-Known Member

    Good games Allstar, Both of us have our moments [​IMG] My Xbox live Rank matches keep messing up. Xbox live has problems.
  11. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Good Fucking games to maddyakira and to everyone else i have fought recently.
    Maddy: it is a fucking honor to fight you man. I feel like I have to play on another level fighting you and it helps me so much. I build confidence in fighting strong players like you. Thank you for all of the games. If i had the time, I would fight you all day!
  12. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    GG's to everybody i face in the last 3 weeks. i've played a lot of vets, noob and what not. I don't know how long im gonna be playing this game as much as i do now cause in all honesty.. its not fun. People sandbagging,Running, Getting salty online ETC. Shit is talking the fun out the game. I mean for fucks sake the game is only a month old now.. Some will not carry on where you left off in VF5 without working out the kinks and understanding the new system. Just accept the change and get on it fast.
  13. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    You may be reading too far into things. When I learned VF5, I played in the Japanese arcades and I was getting blown up a lot of times because I had these petty one-sided rivalries with people who just wanted to play the game. You really have to look past what your opponent is doing and see what your options are. It may be a signal that you don't know your character as well as you think you do.

    Granted, I haven't seen a lot of sandbagging or running in the game, and the running is great when I can push them out of the ring for it. I play Wolf, so working the walls/edges is a great tool, but if you don't have setups or you can't keep up with your ring positioning, it will get really aggravating really fast.

    Good games to any of you guys i've fought on Live lately. I just logged back in the forums after about 3-4 years, so pardon my rusty Wolf play.
  14. Krafty Matt

    Krafty Matt Well-Known Member

    GG to Orenstein. Not a member of VFDC yet, but he stuck it out with me for the better part of an hour. Afterwards we exchanged GG's and I thanked him for being a good sport. He sent back a message saying, "lol yeah gg man even when im getting whooped i try to stick it out". I directed him to VFDC, hopefully he becomes a member.
  15. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    good games in ranked to TojiDestro, KidVid, Dention etc
  16. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    GGs recently to Ad4m, i'll be ready for you next time [​IMG]

    Euro Kage too, really strong Kage player. I have a feeling I should know who this but can't quite put my finger on it.

    GGs to all them other folk pushing buttons, good shit.
  17. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    GGs to PL4YER 7, ThisisEubanks, DivisibleDuke, gastinell, GunSniper Ls, and everyone else I played!
  18. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    awesome room today..GGs to ChiefGutti,blossy,fulan and skyjin..very exciting matches guys..gutti u crashed me as always..blossy ur sarah is amazing and unique..also fulan u have a lethal goh,amazing goh man..skyjin very good lion ..u must get more agressive...

    i cant punish right espesialy against gutti..i feel so nervous when i play him:) my pai wants more..
  19. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    yea that was a really good room. i dont care if gutti is not a fan of FS. im gonna force him to play me more often haha, that was great.
  20. Lygophilia

    Lygophilia Well-Known Member

    Well, I do that alot. Personally, I think if it were 2 out of 3 rounds, then it would be less of that on my part. 3 out of 5 rounds is just long and unnecessary for me. I understand the reason for it, but it makes the experience less fun.

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