XBL Good Games

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Myke, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    I'm wondering. Are a lot of people in ranked only playing people their rank range and disconnecting invites that aren't in their rank range?
  2. TeeZed

    TeeZed Well-Known Member

    From what I've seen. Yes.
  3. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Yeah pretty much.

    GG's to SDS overfiend: You pretty much proved how shitty I really am at this game lol. I will continue to practice and eventually I'll not be shitty. But that wont be today lol
  4. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    If I know the other player then I will play them regardless of their rank specifically. Against most people I will do that though
  5. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Good games to Chief flash. I'd like to think I improved some. But i guess thats for you to tell me. Ive been getting beat all day. Something im not completely used to. But overall it was a pretty good day for learning and i see now that I have been approaching this game incorrectly.
  6. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    GG's to you too sir.. You not as bad as you think you are. I just had to figure out what you patterns were. ina tournament them first few matches is the deciding factor right then and there.. you gets no do overs. Afterwards i kinda made you do with i wanted you to do by punishing your options then taking them from you. That makes your yomi appear strong lol!! im still learning just as your are. don't be a stranger.

    GG's K.O. i already told you what you need to know in the PM's.. Get to work if you want to make a strong showing at evo. Jeff is stronger than you think. Don't worry about your subs.. spend time on your main and quit bullshitting.
  7. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    I was wondering cause I was trying to play some people here that I knew and I guess they didn't want to play.

    Oh yeah, good games to Worst Player and everyone else that I faced.
  8. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    LOL, yeah SDS, you really woke me up today. I've been slacking these past few days, playing a lot of scrubs and what-not for extended periods of times. I need to focus on myself until EVO then I can shift my focus on other things.
  9. stpROCK

    stpROCK Well-Known Member

    GGS to UKRayne, Kahn Rahn and Blossy
  10. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Yeah.. Laming out in a fight won't work. A lot of Jeff players is guilty of this.
  11. Darthminion

    Darthminion Well-Known Member

    SDS you sure talk smack!
  12. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    GGs to Venusail, that pai exceeded all my expectations you still have a long road ahead of you like I do on my end, get better with the frame data and learn to punish better when the opponent is leaving themselves open from free damage and you will be fine. You aren't as spam happy as most pais are I like that.

    GGs to everyone else too especially Tfam and Chemicalmixofdeath, UndreamedAlarmed, and Jinxhand too
  13. TornadoFlame

    TornadoFlame Well-Known Member

    Good Games to everyone I've played. I'll be back on tonight some time.
  14. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    ggs to kruza,kamis ookin, undreamedalarm,and gameztrix
  15. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    GG's to Tricky VFDC, and everyone else i played this morning.

    Tricky: Good stuff, We will have to run some player matches so i can learn that matchup. That cancel shit has me all confused.
  16. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    The more jacky practice the better for me so sure. Those cancels only get more scary the longer the sets go. They can be pretty risky tho.
  17. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    GGs Shadowmaster and everybody else in ranked.
  18. deathsushi

    deathsushi Well-Known Member

    GGs to The Weiand and GentlemanThief.

    Playing Weiand first thing after getting VF5FS was no picnic.

    GentlemanThief - I'm just glad to not be playing against your Goh of days passed.
  19. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Damn sushi you're back? You still live in Victoria?
  20. deathsushi

    deathsushi Well-Known Member

    Yah dood! After a long stint away playing SSFIV, trying to come back to play Brad is taking some getting used to. Looking forward to getting reacquainted with THE BIG TIME PLAYER.

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