Video Game Music

Discussion in 'General' started by PoisonKid13, Nov 17, 2013.

  1. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    Αmazing Spiros. Valkyria chronicles and generally all of sakimoto compositions are amazing. That piano version its amazing. :) i have to find it in score to play it

    Prep@ Bloody tears just classic dude ;)
    Ellis and Shinobi like this.
  2. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    PoisonKid13 and Sozos like this.
  3. PoisonKid13

    PoisonKid13 Well-Known Member

    Completely forgot about this game until a couple of days ago. That's sad because I put so many hours in to this game trying to unlock Super Saiyan IV Goku and Brolly.

    This is as "Old School" as I can get. Hahaha.

  4. FaethonsNemesis

    FaethonsNemesis Well-Known Member

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  5. Kobi

    Kobi 'Noh' One Bronze Supporter

    Mirror's Edge Full Sountrack FTW.

    Seminasuke and PoisonKid13 like this.
  6. Seminasuke

    Seminasuke Well-Known Member

    From the best terrible game ever made.

    PoisonKid13 likes this.
  7. PoisonKid13

    PoisonKid13 Well-Known Member

    Ha! Not that young am I @Dhezz ?

    Catherine has got to be one of the trickiest games I have ever played, and I failed a lot on this stage but it was okay, because I liked the music :) Most of the soundtrack is inspired by real music pieces as well.

    Last edited: Apr 21, 2014
  8. Puno_de_Leyenda

    Puno_de_Leyenda Well-Known Member

    I mentioned Killer Instinct in here before, but now that the full game is a go and there are a lot more themes-Let's do this!(Listen to the themes all the way through because they change as the track goes on...Even stopping and slowing to a classic remix version of the theme before picking back up again, heading into danger zone territory and closing with an ultra combo theme!:

    Jago Komplete Dynamic Theme

    Sadira Komplete Dynamic Theme

    Chief Thunder Komplete Dynamic Theme

    Glacius Komplete Dynamic Theme

    Sabrewulf Komplete Dynamic Theme

    Spinal Komplete Dynamic Theme

    Fulgore Komplete Dynamic Theme

    Orchid Komplete Dynamic Theme

    Mick Gordon(KI Music Composer) is a musical genius!!!
    Ellis and PoisonKid13 like this.
  9. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Aww yiss

    PoisonKid13 likes this.
  10. Kobi

    Kobi 'Noh' One Bronze Supporter

    ESP Ra.De. had this awesome song on their soundtrack. Also included the re-make of the same song.

    PoisonKid13 likes this.
  11. PoisonKid13

    PoisonKid13 Well-Known Member

    Skullgirls Character Select Theme Music for 30mins. Its so addiacting

  12. Optimus_Cack

    Optimus_Cack Well-Known Member

    All of the music during the nightmare/puzzle portions of catherine are remixes of classical compositions from mozart to chopin. Generally the rest of the music is more of what you'd expect from shoji meguro, and it's extra good.
    PoisonKid13 and Valakrie like this.
  13. PoisonKid13

    PoisonKid13 Well-Known Member

    Speaking of Shin Megami, this track for the "Final Boss" in Trauma Center: Second Opinion is pretty bad ass.

    Also Trauma Team's "Fighting Back" is good too.

    Dark Nova Void likes this.
  14. Optimus_Cack

    Optimus_Cack Well-Known Member

    i don't know if anyone has posted these before, but after seeing a let's play of this game i feel like an idiot not playing this game until years later...even if only for the aesthetic

    MarlyJay likes this.
  15. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

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  16. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Mila has such an awesome theme.

    PoisonKid13 likes this.
  17. Riq

    Riq Well-Known Member

    Dark Nova Void, PoisonKid13 and Ellis like this.
  18. PoisonKid13

    PoisonKid13 Well-Known Member

    I cannot wait to here the soundtrack for Persona 5!

    I found some REALLY good tunes from Persona Q on my search in YouTube

    I also found a good one from the Persona 3 add-on "The answer"

    I hate the start, but it gets so much better.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2014
    Dark Nova Void likes this.
  19. BBountyHuntyr

    BBountyHuntyr Well-Known Member

    JSRF - Like This, Like That

    JSRF - Let Mom Sleep (No Sleep Remix)

    FFX - To the End of the Abyss

    FFX - Besaid Island

    FFX - Wandering Flame

    DDR 2nd Mix - Get Up'N Move

    DDR 3rd Mix - Butterfly (Upswing Mix)

    Sonic Adventure 2 (Battle) - Mr. Unsmiley (Sky Rail)

    Sonic Adventure 2 (Battle) - Deeper (Death Chamber)

    Sonic Adventure 2 (Battle) - Unknown to M.E. (Knuckles' Theme)

    Sonic Adventure 2 (Battle) - Fly in the Freedom (Rouge's Theme)

    Sonic Adventure 2 (Battle) - It Doesn't Matter (Sonic's Theme)

    Sonic Adventure 2 (Battle) - My Sweet Passion (Amy's Theme)
    BLACKSTAR, IcKY99, MarlyJay and 3 others like this.
  20. Dark Nova Void

    Dark Nova Void Well-Known Member

    Here's some more hope I'm not re-uploading anything.

    PoisonKid13 and BBountyHuntyr like this.

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