VF5REVO Sarah Combos

Discussion in 'Sarah' started by Myke, Jan 30, 2025.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    VF5REVO Sarah Combos
    Sarah Content Managers: @Mister

    Please use this thread to share, test and discuss VF5REVO Sarah Combos. The Content Managers have to ability to add these to the VFDC Combos database.
  2. RandomGuy_92

    RandomGuy_92 New Member

    no idea if these are new

    K CH P
    against Akira / Pai
    P 4K+G 66K+G (91 dmg)

    1K CH
    against Jeffry
    P 4K+G 66K+G (92 dmg)

    against Pai
    P 4K+G 66K+G (80 dmg)
  3. RandomGuy_92

    RandomGuy_92 New Member

    trying out old combos
    posting the two or three highest damage combos against each weight class I could find

    against Eileen

    6PK CH

    1K+GK K 7K
    3PK K 7K

    KP (K CH)

    6 PP 4K+G 66K+G
    6 PP 6K+G 4K 7K

    (I couldn't figure out what backturned "PKG (cancel)" is)

    KP6 PPK (80)
    P 4K+G 66K+G (80)
    P 6K+G 4K 7K (78)


    1K+GK K 7K (70)
    3PK K 7K (69)
    PPPK (58)
    PPP7K whiffs


    1K+GK K 7K (76)
    1K+GK 6KK (71)
    1K+GK K PK (71)
    1K+G KKK (69)

    against Vanessa

    6PK CH

    1K+GK K 7K
    3PK K 7K

    KP (K CH)

    6 PP 4K+G 66K+G
    6 PP 6K+G 4K 7K

    (I couldn't figure out what backturned "PKG (cancel)" is)

    KP6 PPK (80)
    P 4K+G 66K+G (80)
    P 6K+G 4K 7K (78)


    1K+GK K 7K (70)
    3PK K 7K (69)
    PPPK (58)
    PPP7K whiffs


    1K+GK K 7K (76)
    1K+GK 6KK (71)
    1K+GK K PK (71)
    1K+GK KKK (69)

    against Akira

    6PK CH

    1K+GK 6KK
    1K+GK 7K

    KP (K CH)

    P 4K+G 66K+G (91)
    FS PP 66K+G (86)

    (I couldn't figure out what backturned "PKG (cancel)" is)

    KP6 PPK (80)
    P 6K+G 7K (71)
    P 4K+G 66K+G (80) (only works when distant)


    1K+GK K 7K (70)
    3PK K 7K (69)
    PPPK (58)
    PPP7K whiffs


    1K+GK 6KK (71)
    1K+GK K PK (71)
    1K+GK KKK (69)

    against Jeffry

    6PK CH

    1K+GK 7K
    3PK K 7K

    KP (K CH)

    1K+G 7K (77)
    6 PPK (75)
    PPP7K (72)

    (I couldn't figure out what backturned "PKG (cancel)" is)

    1K+GK K 7K (74)
    3PK K 7K (73)
    1K+GK 6KK (69)


    3PK K 7K (69)
    1K+GK 7K (62)
    PPPK (58)
    PPP7K whiffs


    1K+GK 6KK (71)
    1K+GK K PK (71)

    against Taka

    6PK CH

    3KK (52)
    7K (52)

    KP (K CH)

    FS PPK (75)
    3KK (61)
    7K (61)

    (I couldn't figure out what backturned "PKG (cancel)" is)

    4K+G 66K+G (77)


    PPP7K (59)
    PPPK (58)
    7K (46)
    3KK (46)


    66 PPPK (64)
    66 P 7K (59)
    3KK (52)
    7K (52)

    old format
    6PK CH

    against Eileen
    1K+GK K 7K
    3PK K 7K

    against Vanessa
    1K+GK K 7K
    3PK K 7K

    against Akira
    1K+GK 6KK
    1K+GK 7K

    against Wolf
    1K+GK 7K
    3PK K 7K

    against Taka
    3KK (52)
    7K (52)

    KP (K CH)

    against Eileen
    FS PP 4K+G 66K+G
    FS PP 6K+G 4K 7K

    against Vanessa
    FS PP 4K+G 66K+G
    FS PP 6K+G 4K 7K

    against Akira
    P 4K+G 66K+G (91)
    FS PP 66K+G (86)

    against Jeffry
    1K+G 7K (77)
    FS PPK (75)
    PPP7K (72)

    against Taka
    FS PPK (75)
    3KK (61)
    7K (61)

    (I couldn't figure out what backturned "PKG (cancel)" is)

    against Eileen
    KP FS PPK (80)
    P 4K+G 66K+G (80)
    P 6K+G 4K 7K (78)

    against Vanessa
    KP FS PPK (80)
    P 4K+G 66K+G (80)
    P 6K+G 4K 7K (78)

    against Akira
    KP FS PPK (80)
    P 6K+G 7K (71)
    P 4K+G 66K+G (80) (only works when distant)

    against Jeffry
    1K+GK K 7K (74)
    3PK K 7K (73)
    1K+GK 6KK (69)

    against Taka
    4K+G 66K+G (77)


    against Eileen
    1K+GK K 7K (70)
    3PK K 7K (69)
    PPPK (58)
    PPP7K whiffs

    against Vanessa
    1K+GK K 7K (70)
    3PK K 7K (69)
    PPPK (58)
    PPP7K whiffs

    against Akira
    1K+GK K 7K (70)
    3PK K 7K (69)
    PPPK (58)
    PPP7K whiffs

    against Jeffry
    3PK K 7K (69)
    1K+GK 7K (62)
    PPPK (58)
    PPP7K whiffs

    against Taka
    PPP7K (59)
    PPPK (58)
    7K (46)
    3KK (46)


    against Eileen
    1K+GK K 7K (76)
    1K+GK 6KK (71)
    1K+GK K PK (71)
    1K+G KKK (69)

    against Vanessa
    1K+GK K 7K (76)
    1K+GK 6KK (71)
    1K+GK K PK (71)
    1K+GK KKK (69)

    against Akira
    1K+GK 6KK (71)
    1K+GK K PK (71)
    1K+GK KKK (69)

    against Jeffry
    1K+GK 6KK (71)
    1K+GK K PK (71)

    against Taka
    66 PPPK (64)
    66 P 7K (59)
    3KK (52)
    7K (52)
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2025
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Some characters can [G]-cancel the Kick in the Punch-Kick ([P][K]) string such that the total recovery of a [P][K][G] is quicker than just a [P], and this timing is sometimes crucial for a combo to connect.
    Mister likes this.
  5. RandomGuy_92

    RandomGuy_92 New Member

    Oh, so I was inputting the move correctly. I was so confused thinking I needed to cancel into Flamingo or something...

    For the 3P+K combo, what are you exactly supposed to do for the 8 6 P part?
  6. Mech

    Mech Well-Known Member

    This combo got written wrong, supposed to be FS PPK
  7. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    Fixed. Thx

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