Rivals list

Discussion in 'Console' started by hoggy, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. hoggy

    hoggy Member

    Hi everyone newbie here. So sorry if this is in the wrong place.

    I need help, I am on Quest mode and I have been doing the Sega Arena Coast and I am missing 2 rivals. 1 is a 10th Dan or Master I think, it is the rival that appears beneath VF Kid and the other one is beneath Huntress. Is there a list anywhere I can look at for the names?

    Also is there a bug or something in the game? In the same area I have beaten a Master by the name of Daimon Lon (or something) twice and there is a star under his name meaning rival but he hasn't appeared in my list. What is going on? Please help thank you.
  2. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    This should be in the console section, but here's the last part of the Sega Arena Coast rival list. The ones you want are in bold.

    Sega Arena Coast
    Player Rank Character Emblem
    Joe Feezy 9th Dan El Blaze N/A
    T-Kustro 10th Dan Kage N/A
    shinyu 10th Dan Shun N/A
    Boofhead 10th Dan Akira N/A
    VF Kid 10th Dan Jeffry N/A
    Aoihime Defender Aoi N/A
    Huntress Defender Vanessa N/A
    Eos Hunter Pai Jobs 2 (Schoolgirl)

    I've got a complete list with names, ranks, characters, emblems and locations, but the formatting messes up.
  3. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    You cannot encounter some rivals until you "finish" the quest mode. That means you have to be at least 3rd in the Worlt Tournament. Then some rivals will be in all arcades.
    Then for the second question, about the guys beated but not in the list, there's a few crew of players who don't have any arcade as place, they are just wandering from arcade in arcade. That's why you have already beat that guys but you cannot see them in the list.

    Enjoy your Quest mode now :p
  4. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    You can see them. They appear in the "Special" category of the rival list, which is the last one. I've included a list and the places I found them. You can get them all in three arcades minimum (possibly two).

    Player Rank Character Emblem
    All below appear in Sega Arena Coast on third arcade machine
    Aniaki Master Akira Japanese 21 (???)
    Daimon Lau Master Lau N/A
    gambito Master Kage N/A
    Endymion Master Pai N/A
    LouBird Master Jacky N/A
    Junk Shack Warrior Akira N/A
    Hans M. Warrior Wolf Other 8 (80s)
    NecronoiD Warrior Jacky Logos 1 (VF)
    Cool Lei Warrior Lei Fei Japanese 2 (???)
    Thomaticus Warrior Vanessa N/A
    singery Warrior Eileen N/A
    SpoilerCas Veteran Pai Logos 5 (VF5)
    UraOosu Veteran Lau Animals 15 (Bird)
    BananaSlam Veteran Jeffry N/A
    Shindo J. Veteran Jacky N/A
    najibring Veteran Kage N/A
    MathiusXII Veteran Brad N/A
    All below appear in Club Sega Bay Area and later arcades on third machine
    wolffield Gladiator Wolf N/A
    C.G.*Wolfy Gladiator Jeffry Logos 3 (VF3)
    Mr. Saki Gladiator Shun N/A
    Quickblade Gladiator Lion N/A
    Heta Akira Gladiator Aoi N/A
    Chupalibre Gladiator El Blaze Plants 6 (White Rose)
    wolfman Vindicator Wolf Plants 10 (Crocus)
    Canary Vindicator Sarah Japanese 22 (???)
    Blue Vindicator Aoi N/A
    Lindie Vindicator Vanessa Other 26 (Ice Cube)
    Damaramu Vindicator Goh Plants 7 (Dandelion)
    Arno's Bar Vindicator El Blaze N/A
    PainBuffet Avenger Lei Fei Alphabet 11 (K)
    Penou Avenger Akira N/A
    KreaSe Avenger Jeffry Hobbies 3 (???)
    Comicware Avenger Shun N/A
    BugleHawkM Avenger Lion N/A
    Huppumies Avenger Goh N/A
    Emily Avenger Eileen N/A
    Chofu KK Vanquisher Pai Logos (VF4)
    Brucy Vanquisher Lau N/A
    Big Ron Vanquisher Jeffry Crests 4 (Red and White square)
    Randomkage Vanquisher Kage Japanese 7 (???)
    Mikan Vanquisher Sarah N/A
    Davook Vanquisher Shun N/A
    All below appear in Sega World North and Sega World South on the third arcade machine
    Homestay A Conqueror Akira Characters 1 (Akira)
    Clawdia Conqueror Pai Characters 2 (Pai)
    Ghandy Conqueror Lau Characters 3 (Lau)
    Sarahman Conqueror Wolf Characters 4 (Wolf)
    HighKick Conqueror Jeffry Characters 5 (Jeffry)
    Koedo Conqueror Kage Characters 6 (Kage)
    BloodyTear Conqueror Sarah Characters 7 (Sarah)
    TrickyJ Conqueror Jacky Characters 8 (Jacky)
    Itabashi Z Conqueror Shun Characters 9 (Shun)
    Fu-do Conqueror Lion Characters 10 (Lion)
    KofuMegane Conqueror Aoi Characters 11 (Aoi)
    Fu-Min Conqueror Lei Fei Characters 12 (Lei Fei)
    Kurita Conqueror Vanessa Characters 13 (Vanessa)
    Mahuba Conqueror Goh Characters 14 (Goh)
    Itoshun Conqueror Brad Characters 15 (Brad)
    Napalm Conqueror El Blaze Characters 16 (El Blaze)
    Gorgeous Conqueror Eileen Characters 17 (Eileen)
  5. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Hey Ash, I was going to compile a list like that a while ago but I never got round to it. Any chance you can send me the one you've made?

    Don't worry about the formatting, I can sort that out myself.
  6. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    I don't think anyone has compiled a list of rivals in VF5 Quest mode and posted it here. Great work Ash_Kaiser! [​IMG]
  7. hoggy

    hoggy Member

    Ash thank you very much for all your help that is brilliant. I came across the special list when I was looking at my rivals list.

    So how do I get Aoihime and Eos in the Sega Arena Coast. I have done Quest Mode (Got gold in all tournaments except 1 I came second) have the achievements for it and I am now Defender rank. Do I have to be higher?
  8. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Just keep going in and out of the arcade until they appear.
  9. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    I'll post up a full one tomorrow.

    Is there any way of putting tab spaces in forum posts? It would be a lot easier and tidier than manually spacing everything.
  10. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Who has the Kappa? I've been trying to find it again as my old Aoi/Vanessa had it, but don't remember which rival had it.


  11. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Ash_Kaiser, only way to preserve white space in a post is to surround your text with the
     tag. But, this has an unfortunate side effect of fixing the height of the block such that long bodies of text will appear with a scroll bar.
    Still, go ahead with it and I'll put it up on the wiki with proper table formatting.
  12. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Sebo, the Kappa is Other 12. Look for imtoosexy, a Destroyer rank Brad in Sega World South. He's the very last name on the Sega World South list.

    Anyway, here's the full list.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Code:</div><div class="ubbcode-body ubbcode-pre" ><pre>
    Sega Arena Coast
    Player Rank Character Emblem
    SGT. Angry 10th Kyu Sarah Japanese 8 (???)
    Buzo 10th Kyu Lei Fei N/A
    Qazi 10th Kyu Brad Animals 10 (Alligator)
    Zimbette 10th Kyu Eileen N/A
    Deathcrush 10th Kyu Pai N/A
    Woof 10th Kyu Wolf N/A
    C. Fodder 9th Kyu Wolf N/A
    Mishaal Q8 9th Kyu Jacky N/A
    The Flame 9th Kyu Brad N/A
    Gax 9th Kyu Lau N/A
    Ceej 9th Kyu Lion N/A
    Dragon 8th Kyu Lau N/A
    Ryker 8th Kyu Jacky N/A
    golfitops3 8th Kyu Lei Fei Japanese 29 (???)
    Jcs 8th Kyu Eileen N/A
    Sainct 8th Kyu Sarah N/A
    Contender 8th Kyu El Blaze N/A
    Mossman 7th Kyu Jeffry N/A
    negora 7th Kyu Sarah N/A
    Ghost 7th Kyu Goh Food 11 (Coffee)
    JasonElbow 7th Kyu Akira N/A
    UpperHand 7th Kyu Brad N/A
    Deckard 6th Kyu Akira N/A
    Ana 6th Kyu Pai Food 1 (Noodles)
    Corootai 6th Kyu Vanessa N/A
    Megan 6th Kyu Eileen Crests 2 (Yellow X)
    Fubar 6th Kyu Shun N/A
    Beckaroo 6th Kyu Eileen N/A
    Manu FDZ 5th Kyu Wolf N/A
    Rosnerland 5th Kyu El Blaze N/A
    dan 5th Kyu Eileen N/A
    Chicken 5th Kyu Kage N/A
    Mr Fear 5th Kyu Lei Fei N/A
    Chan Shun 4th Kyu Pai N/A
    BludLust 4th Kyu Kage N/A
    BrodiMAN 4th Kyu Sarah N/A
    MIE 4th Kyu Aoi N/A
    Raeme 4th Kyu Vanessa N/A
    Gary C 4th Kyu El Blaze N/A
    Sakura Ten 3rd Kyu Pai Hobbies 6 (Mailbox)
    ChrmnMa0 3rd Kyu Shun Plants 8 (???)
    Kordalia 3rd Kyu Eileen N/A
    Ms Chan 3rd Kyu Pai N/A
    Aoi-chan 3rd Kyu Aoi N/A
    WeaselBack 2nd Kyu Kage Japanese 23 (???)
    Woutst 2nd Kyu Jacky N/A
    BeautyAoi 2nd Kyu Aoi N/A
    DeeDawkins 2nd Kyu Goh N/A
    Swan 2nd Kyu Jeffry N/A
    Black Beef 2nd Kyu Lion N/A
    Nerkin 1st Kyu Jacky N/A
    Youri 1st Kyu Lion N/A
    Mike 1st Kyu Lei Fei N/A
    bluecesar 1st Kyu Goh N/A
    Sapphire 1st Kyu Aoi N/A
    Combo 1st Kyu El Blaze N/A
    Domen 1st Dan Akira Crests 5 (Blue Diamond Pattern)
    Ferreti 1st Dan Lau Space 9 (Astronaut)
    AuRoN 1st Dan Wolf N/A
    Sander 1st Dan Jacky N/A
    abiss 1st Dan Vanessa N/A
    GTX RULES 1st Dan Brad N/A
    Eileen 1st Dan Eileen N/A
    Liam 1st Dan Akira N/A
    Iron Palm 1st Dan Lau N/A
    Lady 1st Dan Sarah N/A
    Luisetex 2nd Dan Lau N/A
    Masamune 2nd Dan Sarah Plants 2 (Bamboo)
    R. Martin 2nd Dan Jacky Animals 7 (Cat)
    ElectrcLeo 2nd Dan Lion Animals 20 (Mantis)
    MAkAtiEL 2nd Dan Goh N/A
    Guardian K 2nd Dan Eileen N/A
    Authority 2nd Dan Vanessa N/A
    Scoundrel 2nd Dan Brad N/A
    Laure-ay 2nd Dan Eileen N/A
    Dev1neMerc 3rd Dan Akira N/A
    Di 3rd Dan Pai N/A
    M-AI 3rd Dan Lion N/A
    Mr Jones 3rd Dan Lei Fei N/A
    Lerida's R 3rd Dan El Blaze N/A
    Rodney 3rd Dan Kage N/A
    Reno 3rd Dan Lion N/A
    suemejack 3rd Dan Lei Fei N/A
    Kiwi 4th Dan Pai Plants 1 (Bonsai)
    Serserakos 4th Dan Wolf N/A
    Barcelona 4th Dan Sarah N/A
    ^_^V0mv^_^ 4th Dan Lei Fei N/A
    Mugi 4th Dan Vanessa Hobbies 10 (Money Bag)
    KidHiggins 4th Dan Pai N/A
    Steelz 4th Dan Jeffry N/A
    King Fist 4th Dan Shun N/A
    Tetramm 5th Dan Akira N/A
    The Beast 5th Dan Lau Japanese 27 (???)
    Teh Beast 5th Dan Jeffry Characters 19 (Blue Bunny)
    Dizzy120% 5th Dan Aoi Other 19 (Blue Crystal)
    BurningUp 5th Dan Brad N/A
    Old Man 5th Dan Lau N/A
    Hubcaps 5th Dan Sarah N/A
    Whiskers 5th Dan Lei Fei N/A
    Kriminal 5th Dan Goh N/A
    Tuff Guy 5th Dan El Blaze N/A
    ButtonMash 6th Dan Lau Alphabet 17 (Q)
    Fernst 6th Dan Jeffry N/A
    Tofu 6th Dan Shun N/A
    andiimon 6th Dan Aoi N/A
    Darkshine 6th Dan El Blaze N/A
    Chef Chan 6th Dan Lau N/A
    Zorg 6th Dan Kage N/A
    Nab Gil 6th Dan Lion N/A
    Bonecrackr 6th Dan Aoi N/A
    Peggy 6th Dan Eileen N/A
    The Major 7th Dan Wolf N/A
    Muck 7th Dan Jacky N/A
    Louicifer 7th Dan Aoi N/A
    Dethwing 7th Dan Akira N/A
    RobZilla 7th Dan Wolf N/A
    DaX 8th Dan Kage N/A
    Ji-seong 8th Dan Pai N/A
    Killa 8th Dan Wolf N/A
    Azer 8th Dan Kage N/A
    Rottingham 8th Dan Goh N/A
    B. GAMLEN 8th Dan Eileen N/A
    EckstEiN 9th Dan Aoi N/A
    Choi-Ryo 9th Dan Goh N/A
    Mil Froid 9th Dan Wolf N/A
    Elegance 9th Dan Aoi N/A
    Tandy 9th Dan Eileen N/A
    Joe Feezy 9th Dan El Blaze N/A
    T-Kustro 10th Dan Kage N/A
    shinyu 10th Dan Shun N/A
    Boofhead 10th Dan Akira N/A
    VF Kid 10th Dan Jeffry N/A
    Aoihime Defender Aoi N/A
    Huntress Defender Vanessa N/A
    Eos Hunter Pai Jobs 2 (Schoolgirl)
    Club Sega Downtown
    Player Rank Character Emblem
    steven jul 10th Kyu Akira N/A
    WildStyle 10th Kyu Jeffry N/A
    AndySwat 10th Kyu Sarah N/A
    Spike 10th Kyu Goh Food 10 (Chocolate)
    Pootwaddle 10th Kyu El Blaze N/A
    Tanuki 10th Kyu Lau N/A
    Mama's Boy 10th Kyu Kage N/A
    Taiyo 9th Kyu Pai Characters 27 (Honey)
    Blue Ninja 9th Kyu Kage N/A
    INCIDENT 9th Kyu Jacky N/A
    Drunkstyle 9th Kyu Shun N/A
    MightyAndy 9th Kyu Lei Fei N/A
    alFrEdo 9th Kyu Eileen N/A
    S. FROST 9th Kyu Akira N/A
    Shezz 9th Kyu Jeffry N/A
    R4IDEN ES 8th Kyu Akira Japanese 16 (???)
    Xandi 8th Kyu Lion N/A
    S Wolf 8th Kyu Vanessa N/A
    eVo 8th Kyu Eileen N/A
    Numbskull 8th Kyu Goh N/A
    Swinger 8th Kyu Brad N/A
    RustyFrush 7th Kyu Wolf N/A
    Meo FJG 7th Kyu Jacky N/A
    Isabella 7th Kyu Aoi N/A
    BlackErnie 7th Kyu Brad N/A
    Spinning 7th Kyu El Blaze Other 11 (Dragon)
    Princess 7th Kyu Pai N/A
    Twig 7th Kyu Lei Fei N/A
    Hyperion 6th Kyu Kage Characters 20 (Little Tiger)
    Shunto 6th Kyu Shun Food 8 (Ice Cream)
    FaceMan 6th Kyu Lion Alphabet 20 (T)
    juan 6th Kyu El Blaze N/A
    Sass 6th Kyu Aoi N/A
    Hater 6th Kyu El Blaze N/A
    LauTest 5th Kyu Lau N/A
    l'Oasi 5th Kyu Jeffry N/A
    Stalwart 5th Kyu Sarah N/A
    Asgar 5th Kyu Aoi N/A
    SethFortuy 5th Kyu Vanessa Food 3 (???)
    HeartNana 5th Kyu Eileen Alphabet 7 (G)
    Bug 5th Kyu Lion N/A
    Tricia 5th Kyu Vanessa N/A
    Lalilulelo 4th Kyu Lau Crests 7 (Yellow/Green V)
    The Cage 4th Kyu Jeffry N/A
    T. Samba 4th Kyu Lion N/A
    Jieru 4th Kyu Aoi Animals 14 (Bat)
    NightCrow 4th Kyu Brad N/A
    1Harry1 4th Kyu Shun N/A
    DeathBunny 4th Kyu Eileen N/A
    Victor007 3rd Kyu Akira N/A
    Wiz 3rd Kyu Jacky Hobbies 9 (TV)
    calcilin 3rd Kyu Vanessa N/A
    Enete 3rd Kyu Goh N/A
    Impervial 3rd Kyu Eileen N/A
    Kick Chic 3rd Kyu Sarah N/A
    FlipArtist 3rd Kyu Aoi N/A
    doson 2nd Kyu Wolf N/A
    Vicky 2nd Kyu Sarah Japanese 31 (???)
    LiquidM 2nd Kyu Shun Animals 1 (Snake)
    rapideath 2nd Kyu Vanessa N/A
    Sefiros 2nd Kyu El Blaze N/A
    Hell Storm 2nd Kyu Pai N/A
    Tronshiro 2nd Kyu Lau N/A
    Lee Thor 1st Kyu Lau Animals 5 (Lion)
    Karolus 1st Kyu Jeffry N/A
    achosport 1st Kyu Brad N/A
    FlyMonkey 1st Kyu Eileen N/A
    Junespod 1st Kyu Akira N/A
    Killacam 1st Kyu Jeffry N/A
    FROSTY 1st Dan Akira N/A
    Shai Pai 1st Dan Pai N/A
    BrNoMen 1st Dan Jacky N/A
    Alejandro 1st Dan Lei Fei N/A
    MonkeyFace 1st Dan Eileen N/A
    ElectroJak 1st Dan Jacky N/A
    Yakuza 1st Dan Goh N/A
    C-Bass 1st Dan Brad N/A
    Tsobanian 2nd Dan Akira N/A
    JRSonic 2nd Dan Pai Other 14 (Cupid)
    The Tank 2nd Dan Wolf N/A
    fanaat 2nd Dan Lei Fei Crests 8 (Orange/Yellow pyramid)
    Decca 2nd Dan Wolf N/A
    Macky 2nd Dan Kage N/A
    Yunkun 2nd Dan Lion N/A
    Garf 3rd Dan Wolf Other 23 (Kick)
    Style cage 3rd Dan Shun N/A
    Darkness 3rd Dan Goh Other 3 (O)
    KiwE 3rd Dan Brad N/A
    Kirsche 3rd Dan Eileen Hobbies 4 (Phone)
    Marsanne 3rd Dan Pai N/A
    Iron Lady 3rd Dan Sarah N/A
    Nin 3rd Dan Shun N/A
    M4Sh 4th Dan Jeffry N/A
    koso 4th Dan Sarah N/A
    SegaVega 4th Dan Jacky N/A
    Saiki 4th Dan Aoi N/A
    Ned Rise 4th Dan Lei Fei N/A
    Jeffahn 5th Dan Jeffry N/A
    LoixArtx 5th Dan Kage N/A
    SummAh 5th Dan Jacky Logos 9 (AM2)
    Amarcis 5th Dan Wolf N/A
    Sweetcheek 5th Dan Aoi N/A
    Junkala 5th Dan Vanessa N/A
    KickinFace 5th Dan Eileen N/A
    Little Kid 5th Dan El Blaze N/A
    MAN!AC 6th Dan Jacky N/A
    Kawaii Aoi 6th Dan Aoi N/A
    Kobun Heat 6th Dan El Blaze Animals 19 (Crab)
    Bokkyaku 6th Dan Akira N/A
    Negaigoto 6th Dan Lau N/A
    Fuzzy Face 6th Dan Jeffry N/A
    Stoonami 6th Dan Sarah N/A
    Brother 6th Dan Lei Fei N/A
    Paul 7th Dan Akira N/A
    Agent 002 7th Dan Goh Space 6 (Space Shuttle)
    Jacko 7th Dan Jacky N/A
    Mr. Slick 7th Dan Brad N/A
    Tigermarm 8th Dan Pai N/A
    Putters 8th Dan Wolf N/A
    Fugu Fan 8th Dan Shun N/A
    Ney 8th Dan Aoi N/A
    Kalehb 8th Dan Lei Fei N/A
    Hkaine 9th Dan Kage N/A
    Consuela 9th Dan Pai N/A
    Zakken 9th Dan Kage N/A
    Suz-Suz 9th Dan Sarah N/A
    Timbee 9th Dan Jacky N/A
    Maxx 9th Dan Goh N/A
    Texas Lion 10th Dan Lion N/A
    Silks 10th Dan Goh N/A
    Beowulf 10th Dan Wolf N/A
    Coudi 10th Dan Goh N/A
    Daisy 10th Dan Brad N/A
    S.S. Wild Defender Jeffry N/A
    Old Fool Defender Shun N/A
    Club Sega Bay Area
    Player Rank Character Emblem
    YCSTAGL 10th Kyu Lion Jobs 3 (Businessman)
    Bunny 8th Kyu Aoi N/A
    Namflow 7th Kyu Shun N/A
    Krummy 7th Kyu Lau N/A
    Cage 7th Kyu Kage N/A
    XyzzySqrl 6th Kyu Lei Fei N/A
    Lauren 6th Kyu Sarah N/A
    Jaguar 6th Kyu Brad N/A
    Cosmo 5th Kyu Akira N/A
    MovieStar 5th Kyu Pai N/A
    DFR1975 4th Kyu Lei Fei N/A
    T2040 4th Kyu Wolf N/A
    The Rage 4th Kyu Lei Fei N/A
    UrbanYouth 3rd Kyu Lion N/A
    W Knell 3rd Kyu El Blaze N/A
    Lobster 2nd Kyu Jacky N/A
    Doom 2nd Kyu Goh N/A
    Mei 2nd Kyu Eileen N/A
    Ryan Hart 1st Kyu Kage N/A
    Shunned 1st Kyu Shun N/A
    ToneMealin 1st Dan Akira Food 12 (Soda)
    Mizume 1st Dan Lei Fei N/A
    Payback 1st Dan El Blaze Jobs 1 (Schoolboy)
    Tyrant D 1st Dan Jeffry N/A
    2Quick4You 1st Dan Aoi N/A
    Jo Pitches 1st Dan Vanessa N/A
    Plague 2nd Dan Akira Alphabet 6 (F)
    HowBoutSome 2nd Dan Pai Japanese 26 (???)
    Ryuutoushi 2nd Dan Jacky Hobbies 1 (Seashore)
    miserables 2nd Dan Lei Fei N/A
    Dolfy Dj 2nd Dan Vanessa N/A
    Abe SAMA 2nd Dan Akira N/A
    Lightfoot 2nd Dan Sarah N/A
    Corvainis 2nd Dan Goh N/A
    Aleksandar 3rd Dan Akira N/A
    grabber 3rd Dan Jeffry N/A
    Raven 3rd Dan Aoi Plants 3 (Pink and Yellow flower)
    SniperWoof 3rd Dan Vanessa N/A
    jon08 3rd Dan El Blaze N/A
    Emperor 3rd Dan Lau N/A
    Crackb0t 3rd Dan Jacky N/A
    Charmer 3rd Dan Brad N/A
    Lan Di 4th Dan Lau N/A
    Tokio 4th Dan Lion N/A
    danTHe 4th Dan Goh N/A
    Beasty 4th Dan Lion N/A
    Masta B 4th Dan Eileen N/A
    SkipSpicy 4th Dan El Blaze N/A
    Blaze 5th Dan Pai N/A
    Lau.VF 5th Dan Lau N/A
    Virgius 5th Dan Jacky Alphabet 10 (J)
    ProdigyOPM 5th Dan Lei Fei Japanese 19 (???)
    Raska 5th Dan Brad N/A
    Ethan360 5th Dan Pai N/A
    Jason 5th Dan Lau N/A
    PunchinBag 5th Dan Wolf N/A
    Alleister 5th Dan Jeffry N/A
    Reyodin 5th Dan Kage N/A
    DonMaikeru 6th Dan Lau N/A
    AndiGotard 6th Dan Shun N/A
    Lleyton 6th Dan Lion Other 24 (Guard)
    GSPY 6th Dan Vanessa N/A
    Ringer 6th Dan Wolf N/A
    SM &ab3 6th Dan Sarah N/A
    Ykwyk 6th Dan Jacky N/A
    Grace 6th Dan Aoi N/A
    Marisha 6th Dan Vanessa N/A
    Bruiser 6th Dan Goh N/A
    EmX 7th Dan Wolf N/A
    Juseda 7th Dan Kage N/A
    Binkleykun 7th Dan Aoi N/A
    Kendi-Z 7th Dan Goh N/A
    El Bambino 7th Dan El Blaze N/A
    Ardend 7th Dan Akira N/A
    AyumiBlaze 7th Dan Pai N/A
    Show off 7th Dan Jacky N/A
    Ken Nacua 7th Dan Shun N/A
    Paddy 7th Dan Brad N/A
    Wellenkamp 8th Dan Akira N/A
    Chuck 8th Dan Jeffry Japanese 1 (???)
    Feng Shui 8th Dan Lei Fei N/A
    The Burn 8th Dan Brad N/A
    Foster 8th Dan Kage N/A
    xispo 8th Dan Shun N/A
    Iwiji 8th Dan Goh N/A
    Rodanu 8th Dan Brad N/A
    Minusculo 8th Dan El Blaze N/A
    Shen Fa 9th Dan Pai N/A
    AshidoFrau 9th Dan Lau Hobbies 7 (Books)
    Snapshot 9th Dan Wolf Other 10 (2000s)
    OgreBaptL 9th Dan Shun Food 7 (Sweets)
    BlueDavid 9th Dan Lion N/A
    Dran 9th Dan Shun N/A
    Bonesetter 9th Dan Lion N/A
    Haiku 9th Dan Aoi N/A
    KF Fighter 9th Dan Lei Fei N/A
    Tomboy 9th Dan Vanessa N/A
    Selene 10th Dan Pai Japanese 18 (???)
    srkelley 10th Dan Wolf N/A
    Mena Amore 10th Dan Sarah N/A
    Delighted 10th Dan Aoi N/A
    Jeneric 10th Dan Vanessa N/A
    France 10th Dan Pai N/A
    KillerRudy 10th Dan Lau N/A
    speed kaa 10th Dan Sarah N/A
    Whipped 10th Dan Jacky N/A
    Fuuma 10th Dan Goh N/A
    EnforcerX Defender Wolf N/A
    Diamond Defender Sarah N/A
    Pepo Feng Defender Lion N/A
    Pendekar Defender Lei Fei N/A
    Yaeris Hunter Pai N/A
    mis?er?y Hunter Goh Hobbies 8 (Mining Equipment)
    Wrangler Hunter El Blaze Plants 9 (Blue Flower)
    Oozaru Hunter Eileen N/A
    Bunbunmaru Enforcer Wolf Logos 2 (VF2)
    Tiny Enforcer Jeffry N/A
    Rpgamer86 Enforcer Kage Colours 1 (Light Purple)
    Wasted Enforcer Shun N/A
    La Selva Enforcer El Blaze N/A
    Pain Chan Raider Pai N/A
    Sera Raider Sarah N/A
    Socko Raider Brad N/A
    Wilderness Sentinel Jeffry N/A
    Rosemberg Sentinel Shun N/A
    Blue Light Sentinel Goh N/A
    Oldboy Barbarian Lau N/A
    GUERRO Barbarian Goh Alphabet 14 (n)
    Benuix Protector Pai Japanese 15 (???)
    Rellik Protector Lei Fei N/A
    Neko Protector Eileen N/A
    Jerome G. Assassin Lei Fei N/A
    Bad Baby Assassin El Blaze Logos 7 (VF.TV)
    Janet Guardian Pai N/A
    No Escape Guardian Lion Characters 24 (???)
    GohTheD Slayer Goh N/A
    Si Paladin Vanessa N/A
    rockboy Beserker Lion N/A
    Sega Arena East
    Player Rank Character Emblem
    Zimbo 9th Kyu Sarah N/A
    Allie 7th Kyu Sarah N/A
    Sober Shun 7th Kyu Shun N/A
    Fangirl 7th Kyu Eileen N/A
    Jota 6th Kyu Goh N/A
    Gareth 6th Kyu Lau N/A
    Creighton 6th Kyu Jeffry N/A
    Jerky 5th Kyu Jacky Japanese 12 (???)
    Dark... 5th Kyu Goh N/A
    BettingMan 5th Kyu Brad N/A
    KneeNinja 4th Kyu Akira N/A
    illogical 4th Kyu Jacky N/A
    BillyH 3rd Kyu Brad N/A
    Stephen 3rd Kyu Lau N/A
    Beanhead 3rd Kyu Lei Fei N/A
    Moike 2nd Kyu Kage N/A
    MisterGabs 2nd Kyu Lei Fei N/A
    Cobra 1st Kyu Jacky N/A
    Gee Ho 1st Kyu Pai N/A
    Nightwalkr 1st Kyu Wolf N/A
    I<3MySarah 1st Dan Sarah Japanese 13 (???)
    Ice 1st Dan Goh N/A
    Jileen 1st Dan Eileen Animals 9 (Monkey)
    Dizzy 1st Dan Shun N/A
    VF4Ever 1st Dan Lion N/A
    Loshgoobi 1st Dan El Blaze N/A
    Brisal73 2nd Dan Wolf N/A
    MajinJekku 2nd Dan Sarah N/A
    lamps 2nd Dan El Blaze N/A
    Jutso 2nd Dan Lau N/A
    Giant Gab 2nd Dan Jeffry N/A
    JoonPei 2nd Dan Aoi N/A
    Squalido 3rd Dan Lau Animals 6 (Tiger)
    Shank 3rd Dan Brad Logos 6 (VF.NET)
    Terror 3rd Dan Vanessa N/A
    Mortician 3rd Dan Goh N/A
    Yvrande 3rd Dan Eileen N/A
    Argos 84 4th Dan Kage N/A
    Golden Boy 4th Dan Jacky N/A
    Popeye 4th Dan Akira N/A
    Exypher 4th Dan Sarah N/A
    The Snake 4th Dan El Blaze N/A
    Cap'n Boat 5th Dan Jeffry N/A
    Thrillho 5th Dan Sarah N/A
    Ting Jaa 5th Dan Brad N/A
    J. WONG 5th Dan Pai N/A
    Xylander 5th Dan Kage N/A
    Oraylius 5th Dan Jacky N/A
    Dorey 5th Dan Goh N/A
    StinkyTofu 5th Dan Brad N/A
    Natesh 6th Dan Shun N/A
    Pipo 6th Dan Lion N/A
    Seaman 6th Dan Jeffry N/A
    Kicker 6th Dan Jacky N/A
    Gramps 6th Dan Shun N/A
    FightQueen 6th Dan Vanessa N/A
    Masked One 6th Dan El Blaze N/A
    MAN-TITAN 7th Dan Akira Space 7 (U.F.O.)
    xNarKoSith 7th Dan Kage Space 10 (Alien)
    KoD Ladon 7th Dan Shun Food 8 (Hot Dog)
    Big 7th Dan Jeffry N/A
    ShurrBurr 7th Dan Sarah N/A
    PLOK 7th Dan Lion N/A
    Pherothia 7th Dan Aoi N/A
    Cooky 7th Dan Eileen N/A
    Axili 8th Dan Pai N/A
    Timothy DC 8th Dan Jacky N/A
    Zen Dragon 8th Dan Lei Fei N/A
    Skilletor 8th Dan Vanessa N/A
    kmaso 8th Dan El Blaze N/A
    Peanut 8th Dan Akira N/A
    Bojanggles 8th Dan Lau N/A
    Mantis Kid 8th Dan Lion N/A
    Grolius 8th Dan Goh N/A
    Hustler 8th Dan Brad N/A
    THR 9th Dan Lau N/A
    wild man 9th Dan Jeffry N/A
    Laykon 9th Dan Lion N/A
    Man o mule 9th Dan Goh N/A
    gurgleplex 9th Dan Brad N/A
    Splendhill 9th Dan Lau N/A
    Grill 9th Dan Wolf N/A
    D-Nose 9th Dan Jeffry N/A
    K I K Y O 9th Dan Aoi N/A
    Reek 9th Dan Goh N/A
    MvGariachi 10th Dan Akira N/A
    Betelqueze 10th Dan Lau N/A
    Pepe Silva 10th Dan Jacky Alphabet 23 (V)
    Z S S 10th Dan Lion N/A
    Snowman 10th Dan Goh N/A
    ChileVerde 10th Dan El Blaze N/A
    Sunrise 10th Dan Eileen N/A
    Oshizzle 10th Dan Pai N/A
    Xspawn69 10th Dan Kage N/A
    SAYURI 10th Dan Sarah N/A
    Kaneshiro 10th Dan Jacky N/A
    Phantomsk 10th Dan Eileen N/A
    ChickenMc Defender Wolf N/A
    Nickoten Defender Shun N/A
    UncleFei Defender Lei Fei N/A
    Lau-Z Hunter Lau Characters 22 (Opa Opa)
    Ty Phoenix Hunter Jacky Space 2 (Shooting Star)
    Come Queso Hunter Brad N/A
    ice-9 Enforcer Kage N/A
    SexyMegami Enforcer Sarah N/A
    KK LION Enforcer Lion N/A
    banh bao Enforcer Aoi Space 8 (Space Station)
    Master Lao Raider Lau N/A
    Kowtow Raider Lei Fei N/A
    Pale Blue Raider Goh N/A
    Polykseni Raider Eileen N/A
    Wolf Den Sentinel Wolf Colours 2 (Light Blue)
    Emma F. Sentinel Sarah N/A
    Freezer Sentinel Lei Fei N/A
    Rico Blaze Sentinel El Blaze Alphabet 26 (Z)
    Archangel Barbarian Pai N/A
    Girgante Barbarian Jacky N/A
    Kakuyahime Barbarian Aoi N/A
    Deano Protector Kage Other 16 (Blue Flame)
    Holly Protector Sarah N/A
    Hardcore Protector Vanessa Alphabet 18 (R)
    Jacky Boy Assassin Jacky N/A
    ChaosAngel Assassin Lion Other 22 (Punch)
    Dr. Bones Assassin Goh Logos 10 (J6)
    K Sabit Guardian Akira N/A
    Steel Fist Guardian Lau N/A
    Jay Lay Guardian Lei Fei N/A
    WingCo Slayer Wolf N/A
    JeffLove Slayer Jeffry N/A
    Roshi Slayer Shun N/A
    Kitty Paladin Aoi N/A
    Prozach Paladin Brad N/A
    AndyWells Paladin El Blaze N/A
    Opa Ed Berserker Shun N/A
    Randomx999 Berserker Lion N/A
    Minklitsu Berserker El Blaze N/A
    Sega Route 101
    Player Rank Character Emblem
    Old Beast 8th Kyu Shun Other 6 (60s)
    Spad 7th Kyu Lion N/A
    Clio 7th Kyu Vanessa N/A
    Rabid Wolf 6th Kyu Wolf N/A
    Rsilver 6th Kyu Jacky N/A
    Hlowan 5th Kyu Sarah N/A
    Kloud Shun 5th Kyu Shun N/A
    Faded- 4th Kyu Kage N/A
    Gouveia 4th Kyu Goh N/A
    Kogen 3rd Kyu Kage N/A
    Dluv 3rd Kyu Wolf N/A
    Ganks 3rd Kyu Jeffry N/A
    Rob Kneen 2nd Kyu Akira N/A
    BigGrizzle 2nd Kyu Brad N/A
    Schaufel 1st Kyu Shun N/A
    Madam 1st Kyu Sarah N/A
    Shinigami 1st Kyu Vanessa N/A
    RicoSuavez 1st Dan Jacky N/A
    G Radar 1st Dan Lion Japanese 4 (???)
    Chickham 1st Dan Pai N/A
    Sasunti 1st Dan Wolf N/A
    Ex-Ray 1st Dan Kage N/A
    Tristar 2nd Dan Kage N/A
    optimusuk 2nd Dan Aoi N/A
    Disco Girl 2nd Dan Pai N/A
    Lazy 2nd Dan Shun N/A
    Tmonk 2nd Dan El Blaze N/A
    Unicorn 3rd Dan Jeffry N/A
    Telomin 3rd Dan Kage N/A
    Luke S. 3rd Dan Shun N/A
    BK_ 3rd Dan Wolf N/A
    Crystal 3rd Dan Aoi N/A
    Nico 3rd Dan El Blaze N/A
    Futa-Kun 4th Dan Akira Jobs 7 (???)
    freereign 4th Dan Kage N/A
    JunoSynth 4th Dan Lei Fei N/A
    Chopsticks 4th Dan Lau N/A
    bluem4gic 4th Dan Vanessa N/A
    Tsukasa 4th Dan Eileen N/A
    Xander 5th Dan Wolf N/A
    captin 5th Dan El Blaze N/A
    EUrO_KiDD 5th Dan Akira N/A
    Kromn 5th Dan Jeffry Colours 8 (Pale Pink)
    Shou*Time 5th Dan Sarah N/A
    Nabeyaki 5th Dan Jacky N/A
    Shrapnel 5th Dan Brad N/A
    Dynasty 6th Dan Shun Other 15 (Bear Thing)
    Abel 6th Dan Lion N/A
    JOXE 6th Dan Vanessa Japanese 17 (???)
    MonkeyEarl 6th Dan Pai N/A
    Ol' 29 6th Dan Kage N/A
    Stonker 6th Dan Lion N/A
    SweetThing 6th Dan Eileen N/A
    Hatcherino 6th Dan El Blaze N/A
    Tartaruga 7th Dan Wolf N/A
    Vincent 7th Dan Kage Crests 6 (Green Mesh)
    40i4 7th Dan Jacky N/A
    MsHardlove 7th Dan Vanessa N/A
    El Guapo 7th Dan Goh Alphabet 2 (B)
    ReTang 7th Dan Sarah N/A
    Old Grill 7th Dan Shun N/A
    Qestra 7th Dan Aoi N/A
    Poser 7th Dan Lei Fei N/A
    Brawler 7th Dan Vanessa N/A
    Painani 8th Dan Pai N/A
    Crocodile 8th Dan Jeffry Japanese 14 (???)
    Raz3th 8th Dan Kage N/A
    Gats 8th Dan Jacky N/A
    Delta RW 8th Dan Vanessa N/A
    Chano 8th Dan El Blaze Alphabet 4 (D)
    Eleben 8th Dan Akira N/A
    Jharel 8th Dan Jeffry N/A
    Jocasta 8th Dan Sarah N/A
    Egil 8th Dan Jacky N/A
    Levike 8th Dan Vanessa N/A
    Diegoracg 9th Dan Lau N/A
    Garbonzzo 9th Dan Jeffry N/A
    Iron Hulk 9th Dan Shun Jobs 8 (???)
    Nybek 9th Dan Aoi N/A
    Boke 9th Dan Kage N/A
    Kuo 9th Dan Sarah N/A
    Hoser 9th Dan Jacky N/A
    Dead Man 9th Dan Goh N/A
    Gino 9th Dan Brad N/A
    apple pai 10th Dan Pai N/A
    Fox Hole 10th Dan Wolf N/A
    Exfoliator 10th Dan Sarah Animals 13 (Chicken)
    RickoSama 10th Dan Shun N/A
    LeiRunner 10th Dan Lei Fei N/A
    Zinarc 10th Dan El Blaze Hobbies 5 (Computer)
    Segirl 10th Dan Wolf N/A
    At-At 10th Dan Aoi N/A
    Sidergian 10th Dan Lei Fei N/A
    Cyrrah 10th Dan Vanessa N/A
    Julien 10th Dan El Blaze N/A
    DirtyRaska Defender Jeffry Animals 8 (Sheep)
    CajuN Defender Lion N/A
    Neosyphen Defender Goh N/A
    Earthquake Hunter Pai N/A
    Kimbol Hunter Goh N/A
    JadePalace Hunter Eileen N/A
    WonderWolf Enforcer Wolf N/A
    Kinosam Enforcer Jeffry N/A
    Nho Enforcer Aoi Alphabet 15 (O)
    ring Raider Pai Animals 18 (???)
    Baihu Raider Shun N/A
    NicolasDeG Raider Lei Fei Other 5 (50s)
    The B. Raider Brad N/A
    MonkEQueen Raider Eileen N/A
    Pops Sentinel Lion Other 2 (Type B)
    Perrin Sentinel Vanessa N/A
    Ei-Ei Sentinel Eileen N/A
    GalzPanic Barbarian Akira N/A
    Suckafish Barbarian Kage N/A
    ZOOman Barbarian Brad N/A
    Bombshell Protector Sarah N/A
    CopGirl Protector Vanessa N/A
    Vortigar Protector Goh N/A
    The Master Protector Eileen N/A
    Liau Assassin Lau N/A
    Harakiris Assassin Sarah N/A
    cka Assassin Shun N/A
    Aoi Assassin Aoi N/A
    Giggles Guardian Jeffry N/A
    Samjidali Guardian Eileen Alphabet 9 (I)
    Curves Slayer Sarah N/A
    Hapacheese Slayer Lei Fei N/A
    Necro Slayer Goh Food 5 (Soup)
    Hungry Lau Paladin Lau Alphabet 5 (E)
    EternalDiZ Paladin Jacky N/A
    Krumpy Paladin Lei Fei N/A
    Ethel Paladin Eileen N/A
    JnzoNingen Berserker Lau Colours 7 (Pale Orange)
    Justice do Berserker Jacky N/A
    Broughtus Berserker Lei Fei N/A
    Sega World North
    Player Rank Character Emblem
    BiG's Ring 4th Dan Kage N/A
    void 4th Dan Goh N/A
    Wriggler 4th Dan Wolf N/A
    Blossom 4th Dan Aoi N/A
    Smoothie 4th Dan Brad N/A
    McGariachi 5th Dan Akira N/A
    LondonLad 5th Dan Shun N/A
    Francoise 5th Dan Lion N/A
    Gilamon 5th Dan Lei Fei N/A
    Swinger E 5th Dan Eileen N/A
    Peebles 6th Dan Lau Hobbies 2 (Mountains)
    Ham Thief 6th Dan Shun N/A
    Confessor 6th Dan Lei Fei N/A
    Icey 6th Dan Goh N/A
    Achilles 6th Dan Brad N/A
    M-Pro 7th Dan Pai N/A
    Menino 7th Dan Lau N/A
    Nice Guy 7th Dan Jeffry N/A
    Amaroo 7th Dan Kage N/A
    Leon 7th Dan Lion N/A
    Five Oh 7th Dan Vanessa N/A
    BananaChic 7th Dan Eileen N/A
    Pscloud 7th Dan El Blaze N/A
    Angry Fist 8th Dan Akira N/A
    Allossery 8th Dan El Blaze N/A
    Srider 8th Dan Lau N/A
    CaptainHM 8th Dan Wolf N/A
    Shark Bait 8th Dan Jeffry N/A
    PunkKid738 8th Dan Kage N/A
    LEM 8th Dan Sarah N/A
    Thalek 8th Dan Jacky N/A
    Poyyuk 8th Dan Aoi N/A
    SPICE5EVER 9th Dan Pai N/A
    Konjou Aki 9th Dan Akira N/A
    Rob 9th Dan Jeffry N/A
    Paradox 9th Dan Kage N/A
    05K4R 9th Dan Lion N/A
    Jing Cheng 9th Dan Lei Fei N/A
    Abdulla 9th Dan Vanessa N/A
    Chiu M Lok 9th Dan Brad N/A
    Maya 9th Dan Eileen N/A
    Roxanimal 9th Dan El Blaze N/A
    Juka (SPA) 10th Dan Kage Japanese 3 (???)
    Dani 10th Dan Jacky Space 4 (Crescent Moon and Star)
    Hereru 10th Dan Lei Fei Other 17 (Red Flame)
    Iron Emu 10th Dan Brad N/A
    Ayelean 10th Dan Eileen Animals 11 (Dog)
    Colonel W 10th Dan Lau N/A
    Bigfoot 10th Dan Jeffry N/A
    Jerkinator 10th Dan Kage N/A
    Syzygy 10th Dan Shun N/A
    0 Gravity 10th Dan Lion N/A
    AhOhEe 10th Dan Aoi N/A
    Chris 10th Dan Goh N/A
    Rogueman 8 Defender Sarah N/A
    W Defender Vanessa Other 9 (90s)
    Amor-Ray Defender Brad N/A
    Gabriel Defender Pai N/A
    Doree-san Defender Lau N/A
    Pokey Hunter Akira N/A
    Searren Hunter Lau N/A
    EL-Orochi Hunter El Blaze N/A
    Hentoe Hunter Lei Fei N/A
    Flipain Enforcer Akira Japanese 5 (???)
    AI Enforcer Shun Alphabet 12 (L)
    Aoi relish Enforcer Aoi N/A
    Lily Enforcer Vanessa N/A
    Lan Wu Di Raider Lau N/A
    Myke Raider Kage N/A
    Gromoth Raider Goh N/A
    Huracan Raider El Blaze N/A
    Nizoo Sentinel Lion N/A
    Hunter-KT Sentinel Vanessa N/A
    Mas Charro Sentinel El Blaze N/A
    SP00 Sentinel Jacky Food 13 (Milk)
    Dragon Lau Barbarian Lau Other 13 (Dragon Demon)
    mAu Barbarian Kage N/A
    ZeeZeeZe Barbarian Aoi N/A
    Burns Barbarian Brad N/A
    Eli-san Protector Lau N/A
    mS. h4X0r Protector Sarah N/A
    C.Fox Protector Lei Fei N/A
    Rajiendh Protector Brad N/A
    Nasami Protector Eileen N/A
    Danjah Assassin Akira N/A
    PAledPiper Assassin Pai N/A
    Anthony Assassin Wolf N/A
    Brian O. Assassin Shun N/A
    MarkManSDT Assassin Lion N/A
    Claire Assassin Vanessa N/A
    Ifrit Assassin Brad N/A
    asasega Guardian Guardian N/A
    FivePoint Guardian Lau N/A
    Slick Ant Guardian Jacky N/A
    Sensation Guardian Shun Alphabet 21 (U)
    Sally Guardian Eileen N/A
    Crasher Slayer Wolf N/A
    Game Guru Slayer Jeffry N/A
    Buraiho! Slayer Vanessa N/A
    Zombie Slayer Goh N/A
    RainMakeR Slayer El Blaze Alphabet 3 (C)
    Rahzazu Paladin Akira N/A
    Kelly Paladin Pai N/A
    Akima Wane Paladin Sarah Jobs 6 (Schoolgirl?)
    Joleen Paladin Aoi Animals 4 (Eagle on Branch)
    Grosvorka Paladin Goh Other 21 (Small Thunder Cloud)
    nomas ring Paladin El Blaze N/A
    Siuling Paladin Eileen N/A
    Clarkson Berserker Jeffry N/A
    Dimitri Berserker Shun N/A
    Dueces Berserker Lion Colours 3 (Sky Blue)
    Evianna Berserker Aoi N/A
    ZonLennon Berserker Lei Fei Colours 5 (Green)
    Ed Beano Berserker El Blaze N/A
    Ethan Liberator Akira N/A
    PaiCrust Liberator Pai N/A
    Kumicho Liberator Wolf N/A
    Zero Liberator Sarah N/A
    AlyxS Liberator Vanessa Alphabet 1 (A)
    ProppaT Liberator Goh N/A
    Grifopolus Liberator Brad Alphabet 13 (M)
    MopMan Liberator Brad Crests 1 (Orange Square)
    KING Destroyer Pai N/A
    Fantastic Destroyer Wolf Colours 6 (Pale Yellow)
    Jonnie Destroyer Jeffry Crests 3 (Purple Splash)
    Coach Mel Destroyer Sarah N/A
    MissAstrid Destroyer Aoi N/A
    dojo Destroyer Lei Fei N/A
    Bertha Destroyer Vanessa Colours 4 (Pale Green)
    Astrea Destroyer Eileen Space 5 (Saturn)
    Sega World South
    Player Rank Character Emblem
    neo kenzu 4th Dan Akira N/A
    2dabeatyo 4th Dan Jacky N/Ax
    Assassin 4th Dan Goh N/A
    Sly Fox 4th Dan Brad N/A
    Jander 5th Dan Vanessa N/A
    ChaosPrime 5th Dan Shun N/A
    Number One 5th Dan Lion N/A
    Harmony 5th Dan Aoi N/A
    Kendorgal 5th Dan Lei Fei N/A
    Milky Pai 6th Dan Pai Alphabet 16 (P)
    Flounder 6th Dan Eileen N/A
    KeiSeiKaku 6th Dan Akira N/A
    Chocofiend 6th Dan Pai N/A
    Hawk 6th Dan Wolf N/A
    Blond Boy 6th Dan Jacky N/A
    Dodger 6th Dan Brad N/A
    Yoopidou 7th Dan Sarah N/A
    Master Lau 7th Dan Lau N/A
    SuperKav 7th Dan Jeffry N/A
    Paedrig 7th Dan Lei Fei N/A
    Bursurker 7th Dan Goh N/A
    SchoolGirl 7th Dan Eileen N/A
    ShortStuff 7th Dan El Blaze N/A
    WellcooK 8th Dan Lion Other 4 (Type AB)
    Nicole L. 8th Dan Vanessa N/A
    Renato F. 8th Dan Brad Alphabet 19 (S)
    FROSTMAN 8th Dan Shun N/A
    JB Shabazz 8th Dan Lion N/A
    Imino 8th Dan Aoi N/A
    Jherog 8th Dan Lei Fei N/A
    Mayet 8th Dan Vanessa N/A
    Banana Pie 8th Dan Eileen N/A
    King Raul 8th Dan El Blaze N/A
    ChiefGutti 9th Dan Wolf N/A
    Danger Den 9th Dan Brad N/A
    Vald 9th Dan Akira N/A
    Seethe 9th Dan Pai N/A
    ginji 9th Dan Lau N/A
    Katelyn 9th Dan Sarah N/A
    Steven R 9th Dan Jacky N/A
    A Banks 9th Dan Shun N/A
    Target 9th Dan Lion N/A
    Kai 9th Dan Lei Fei N/A
    Baby Doll 9th Dan Vanessa N/A
    Yasuko 9th Dan Eileen N/A
    AnarkiraNO 10th Dan Akira Other 26 (Evade)
    MEGAMiXER 10th Dan Lau N/A
    The Animal 10th Dan Jeffry Crests 9 (Orange Heart)
    S. L. 10th Dan Aoi N/A
    Zoe K. 10th Dan Vanessa Other 1 (A)
    Nate I 10th Dan Jeffry N/A
    ferricide 10th Dan Lion N/A
    PhoenixDth 10th Dan Lei Fei N/A
    Akana 10th Dan Vanessa N/A
    Foruncolo 10th Dan Brad N/A
    Cookie 10th Dan Eileen N/A
    Androgynos 10th Dan El Blaze N/A
    Bluegirl Defender Aoi N/A
    Kempy Defender Wolf N/A
    2mph Defender Lei Fei N/A
    En Fuego Defender El Blaze N/A
    La Mona Defender Eileen N/A
    saru death Defender Akira Alphabet 24 (X)
    JB Party Defender Jacky N/A
    Live Wire Hunter Vanessa N/A
    Jide Hunter Lion N/A
    Moe Brad!? Hunter Brad N/A
    Fry Hunter Shun N/A
    BIG TIME Enforcer Jeffry N/A
    Ministry Enforcer Kage N/A
    Denkai Enforcer Jacky N/A
    Rafael Enforcer Lion N/A
    GigaMacho Enforcer El Blaze Alphabet 25 (y)
    Danielle Raider Sarah N/A
    " p E ".B Raider Lion N/A (name is greek symbols)
    Yowie Aoi Raider Aoi N/A
    TheJUSTICE Raider Brad N/A
    HDTran Sentinel Akira N/A
    raja Sentinel Jeffry N/A
    TankBuster Sentinel Vanessa N/A
    HairBand Sentinel Pai Jobs 4 (???)
    Darren Sentinel Kage N/A
    Netrom Barbarian Akira N/A
    Mayer Barbarian Pai N/A
    Ogi^o^Kage Barbarian Kage Alphabet 8 (H)
    Yeah Aoi Barbarian Aoi Plants 4 (Pink Triple Flower Low)
    DumpTruck Protector Wolf Alphabet 23 (W)
    Cmdr Zorg Protector Kage N/A
    Tommy Protector Jacky Japanese 10 (???)
    cemetary Protector Vanessa N/A
    The Fuego Protector El Blaze N/A
    ThiefPod Assassin Jeffry Animals 16 (Crow)
    Tilac Assassin Vanessa Animals 3 (Scorpion)
    ChinattoQ Assassin Eileen Other 20 (Big Lightning Cloud)
    Betty Guardian Pai N/A
    McN Cheese Guardian Jeffry N/A
    GanyruKage Guardian Kage Japanese 25 (???)
    Yowda Guardian Shun N/A
    Cleophas Guardian Brad Japanese 9 (???)
    Overkill Slayer Wolf Animals 2 (Wolf)
    ArmadilloO Slayer Lion Other 25 (Throw)
    BlueRose Slayer Aoi N/A
    Left Right Slayer Brad Japanese 6 (???)
    blondqueen Slayer Sarah N/A
    Mar Con Paladin Akira N/A
    Rocket Paladin Wolf Animals 17 (Shark)
    YoRo Paladin Kage N/A
    Jin Paladin Kage N/A
    Super G Paladin Jacky Characters 26 (Bahn)
    webfox100 Berserker Akira Japanese 30 (???)
    Otsunami Berserker Lau Colours 9 (Pink)
    King Joe Berserker Lau N/A
    Daiginga Berserker Wolf N/A
    Super J Berserker Jeffry Plants 11 (Pink Triple Flower High)
    F Coehoorn Berserker Shun Japanese 24 (???)
    Astro Berserker El Blaze Japanese 20 (???)
    Oosu Akira Liberator Akira N/A
    MukkiAkira Liberator Akira Food 4 (Chopsticks and ???)
    Mad Angel Liberator Sarah Other 7 (70s)
    Kerry M Liberator Vanessa N/A
    Sharon Liberator Vanessa Plants 5 (Pink Hibiscus)
    Myriddin Liberator Goh N/A
    Ernst Liberator Brad N/A
    Dorris Liberator Eileen Jobs 5 (???)
    8bit Destroyer Pai N/A
    Segaru Destroyer Wolf N/A
    Senningiri Destroyer Kage Japanese 11 (???)
    Chibita Destroyer Lion N/A
    Thomas Destroyer Aoi Japanese 28 (???)
    Hanabi Destroyer Lei Fei N/A
    Kudoukun Destroyer Goh Food 2 (Sushi)
    imtoosexy Destroyer Brad Other 12 (Kappa)
    Player Rank Character Emblem
    Aniaki Master Akira Japanese 21 (???)
    Daimon Lau Master Lau N/A
    gambito Master Kage N/A
    Endymion Master Pai N/A
    LouBird Master Jacky N/A All appear in
    Junk Shack Warrior Akira N/A Sega Arena Coast
    Hans M. Warrior Wolf Other 8 (80s) on the third
    NecronoiD Warrior Jacky Logos 1 (VF) arcade machine
    Cool Lei Warrior Lei Fei Japanese 2 (???)
    Thomaticus Warrior Vanessa N/A
    singery Warrior Eileen N/A
    SpoilerCas Veteran Pai Logos 5 (VF5)
    UraOosu Veteran Lau Animals 15 (Bird)
    BananaSlam Veteran Jeffry N/A
    Shindo J. Veteran Jacky N/A
    najibring Veteran Kage N/A
    MathiusXII Veteran Brad N/A
    wolffield Gladiator Wolf N/A
    C.G.*Wolfy Gladiator Jeffry Logos 3 (VF3)
    Mr. Saki Gladiator Shun N/A
    Quickblade Gladiator Lion N/A
    Heta Akira Gladiator Aoi N/A
    Chupalibre Gladiator El Blaze Plants 6 (White Rose) All appear in
    wolfman Vindicator Wolf Plants 10 (Crocus) Club Sega Bay Area
    Canary Vindicator Sarah Japanese 22 (???) and later arcades
    Blue Vindicator Aoi N/A on the third
    Lindie Vindicator Vanessa Other 18 (Ice Cube) arcade machine
    Damaramu Vindicator Goh Plants 7 (Dandelion)
    Arno's Bar Vindicator El Blaze N/A
    PainBuffet Avenger Lei Fei Alphabet 11 (K)
    Penou Avenger Akira N/A
    KreaSe Avenger Jeffry Hobbies 3 (???)
    Comicware Avenger Shun N/A
    BugleHawkM Avenger Lion N/A
    Huppumies Avenger Goh N/A
    Emily Avenger Eileen N/A
    Chofu KK Vanquisher Pai Logos (VF4)
    Brucy Vanquisher Lau N/A
    Big Ron Vanquisher Jeffry Crests 4 (Red and White square)
    Randomkage Vanquisher Kage Japanese 7 (???)
    Mikan Vanquisher Sarah N/A
    Davook Vanquisher Shun N/A
    Homestay A Conqueror Akira Characters 1 (Akira)
    Clawdia Conqueror Pai Characters 2 (Pai)
    Ghandy Conqueror Lau Characters 3 (Lau)
    Sarahman Conqueror Wolf Characters 4 (Wolf) All appear in
    HighKick Conqueror Jeffry Characters 5 (Jeffry) Sega World North
    Koedo Conqueror Kage Characters 6 (Kage) and Sega World
    BloodyTear Conqueror Sarah Characters 7 (Sarah) South on the third
    TrickyJ Conqueror Jacky Characters 8 (Jacky) arcade machine
    Itabashi Z Conqueror Shun Characters 9 (Shun)
    Fu-do Conqueror Lion Characters 10 (Lion)
    KofuMegane Conqueror Aoi Characters 11 (Aoi)
    Fu-Min Conqueror Lei Fei Characters 12 (Lei Fei)
    Kurita Conqueror Vanessa Characters 13 (Vanessa)
    Mahuba Conqueror Goh Characters 14 (Goh)
    Itoshun Conqueror Brad Characters 15 (Brad)
    Napalm Conqueror El Blaze Characters 16 (El Blaze)
    Gorgeous Conqueror Eileen Characters 17 (Eileen)</pre></div></div>
    The emblem tourney emblems are:

    Food 6 (Meat)
    Crests 10 (Pink Heart)
    Characters 18 (Dural)
    Animals 12 (Cat)
    Characters 21 (Sonic)
    Characters 25 (Morolian)
    Space 1 (Sun)
    Space 3 (Earth)
    Logos 8 (Sega)
    Characters 23 (NiGHTS)

    If anyone knows the names of the Japanese emblems or can tell what certain emblems that I've given ambiguous names to are, it would be appreciated.
  13. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Good work [​IMG]
  14. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Nice work, Ash!
  15. hoggy

    hoggy Member

    Thank you for everything guys. Any ideas on how I get Aoihime and Eos?
  16. hoggy

    hoggy Member

    Can someone please tell me how I get this character unlocked in Sega Bay Arena so I can fight him/her as they are the last character I need for completion of the Sega Bay Arena. Do I have to be a certain rank or something?
  17. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Some rivals don't appear until you are a certain rank.

    Once you are at conqueror everyone will be available.

    The only advice I can give you if you have reached the highest rank is to go in and out of the arcade and wait for the rival to appear.

    Don't fight anyone just push A on the arcade and check the three choices, if they are not there press B to go back to the world map.

    Just keep doing that.
  18. hoggy

    hoggy Member

    Thanks for that. I am on Vindicator at the moment. So how long till conqueror? And what rank for Aoihime?
  19. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Not sure what rank you need for certain people. I haven't played Quest mode in quite some time.

    You need to rank up three more times to reach Conqueror.

    Also, I noticed that your location is Glasgow as well. Nice one.
  20. hoggy

    hoggy Member

    Never mind folks I got her. I reached Avenger and there she was.

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