
Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Hopkins, Jan 5, 2004.

  1. Hopkins

    Hopkins Member

    ...this game is the meaning of the word...! As a PC gamer wanting to play a beat-em-up, I purchased a PS2 after doing my research and concluding that this was the "deepest" fighter around. I'll certainly give you that! Reading people's posts saying that they defeated the arcade mode in 5 minutes certainly implies this because I must have put in 15 hours so far and that silver bint at the end whips my arse!

    I'm used to getting annoyed when I have an "off-day" with an online shooter on the PC, but no PC game has ever made me hurl my controller across the room... VF4, however, gets me so wound up that I begin to understand what the word "rage" means - something I've never really experienced because I'm a pretty laid back guy!

    The most annoying thing is that the next day, after dreaming about friggin' button combinations, I'm ranting to all my colleagues about how good VF4 is. Then I get home, breeze through arcade mode until Akira, swear at him for a dozen rounds, and then chuck my shiny new silver Dual shock against the sofa when Dural pisses all over my attempts at blocking, counter attacking and general inability to win a round...

    My blood is still boiling as I write this...

    I'm trying really, hard, honestly, going through the training modes several times and trying to develop combos, but this game is damn hard and damn... ...FRUSTRATING!!!
  2. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    you sound like a fucking idiot.
  3. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    welcome to the world of VF. Now all that's left is you have a simple decision to make. Either your in, and you train hard to get your revenge. Or your out and you walk away like most who have given it a try.

    All BS aside, VF is a great game. But, it has a super high learning curve. That's why so many people don't play it. You have to be dedicated. It's not a casual fighter. I hope you can stick it out to the end, because the rewards are well worth it in my opinion. Good luck!
  4. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Sir Hopkins, I would like to welcome you to the VF Universe. There is good news and bad news. Well the bad news is that you are now ours bitch and you can kiss other videogames bye bye. The good news is that prepare for a beating by human players, Oh and if you're wondering how is that good news. You'll definitely going to learn a lot more by getting beat by us than from a computer.
  5. DarkSparda

    DarkSparda Well-Known Member

    haha, wel try this ,lower the difficulty, go through tactics and advice in the training menu, try to play as everyone a little so as to gain a basic idea of how everybody works, use the search button to gain faqs,guides,combos, and ideas of your main person that suits you best, play through quest mode a lot *try beginner first* if you STILL suck after all that than just suck nuts.*btw, dont be a rudeass or stupid,people here are very pissy about idiots and thats good*
  6. Hopkins

    Hopkins Member

    Yeah, cheers guys, I seem to be hooked already! And I'm not fussed about idiots like Shang... As for faqs - I've spent a bit of time browsing them so far but it's a slow process working them into your routines. There's no shortage of info on this site!
  7. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Hopkins said:

    There's no shortage of info on this site!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    well you can thank Myke and Ice-9 for supplying us with such a great site, and all of VFDC members new and old!
  8. ValeStyle_Gove

    ValeStyle_Gove Well-Known Member

    And thank Shang for the determination to get into the game! I know i would /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  9. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Welcome. You will never be able to take another fightinggame seriously from this point on in your life.
  10. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  11. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:

    Welcome. You will never be able to take another fightinggame seriously from this point on in your life.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, right Tekken 4 is still serious...

    seriously GAY!!!!!!111111111111

  12. DarkSparda

    DarkSparda Well-Known Member

    *nods in approval* that too. did we mention the ass wupings you receive at tournaments? oh yea i think we did.
  13. Hopkins

    Hopkins Member

    Hehe! I'm pleased to confirm that I'm slowly improving... I beat Dural in one round out of the three... Now I just need to make it two! I'm beginning to appreciate the various defensive techniques more, although counter-throws are still beyond me. In the training I find it impossible to buffer more than one counter-throw command on the gamepad at a time...
  14. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    I just noticed your post. Well the advice I can give you is to go to trial training for each character. You dont have to do the trials but pay attention to the instructions so when playing against that character youll know what set ups to avoid most. Play Quest mode, and take your time dont rush thru the fights. Try to figure out exactly whats happening. The more you advance, the more your techniue will be put into question. Youll start out against stupid cheezy AI's, but end up against the best in the world. Oh you can also put the Quest difficulty on begginner . Besides , the Quest AI is far superior to the Arcade anyways. Also I feel your pain but my arcade stick is too big to throw around. If you really want to learn the game, you should get a stick. While your'e still developing.
  15. Rab

    Rab New Member

    Well, i sure can relate to the frustration part.. lol. I beat every other quest order except the star quest order for the triple throw escape.. now some pointers for that would be appreciated.. lol
  16. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Hopkins, just follow their advice and sit down with the game's training mode. Do the command mode, and then try the various Trials to learn the in's and out's of VF. You'll get good at the basics like tech-rolling, guarding, and there's even a few missions that teach fuzzy guarding, even though they dont call it that.
  17. Devil7om

    Devil7om Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    And thank Shang for the determination to get into the game! I know i would

    [/ QUOTE ]
    your always kissing Shangs ass.
  18. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Hopkins said:

    Hehe! I'm pleased to confirm that I'm slowly improving... I beat Dural in one round out of the three... Now I just need to make it two! I'm beginning to appreciate the various defensive techniques more, although counter-throws are still beyond me. In the training I find it impossible to buffer more than one counter-throw command on the gamepad at a time...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Check out the console section of the forums; you may want to consider buying a stick.
  19. SenoB

    SenoB Well-Known Member

    About the gamepad trouble with buffering in throws... I mash. I mash like a bastard to get TTE's all the time. That, and I simply memorized the three or four directions with each of the charcters to look out for. So I increase my reaction speed that way, no thinking whatsoever. That, and rolling between similar directions works to an extent.... in the end, get a stick.... WAY BETTER. And I can then do the Nigh Impossible Knee of [DOOM] almost 95% of the time compared to about 70% on the pad.
  20. FatalRose

    FatalRose Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Hopkins said:

    Hehe! I'm pleased to confirm that I'm slowly improving... I beat Dural in one round out of the three... Now I just need to make it two! I'm beginning to appreciate the various defensive techniques more, although counter-throws are still beyond me. In the training I find it impossible to buffer more than one counter-throw command on the gamepad at a time...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What character(s) do you use? Anyways once you play VF and than play another fighter like Tekken and DOA. You will realize how much more responsive and tighter the controls are. No other fighting game puts attention to detail when it comes to everything from there martial arts to the clothing they wear. VF is truly a master piece.

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