Bobbing and Weaving

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by Chanchai, Feb 24, 2001.

  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I haven't seen anything posted about this before, or written about it. I probably just missed something. But anyways, I was messing around and came across this (given how "obvious" this would seem, I'm sure someone's written something on it before).

    What I call it: Bob&Weave, Dodgelet version 2 (but not as fast), Stickless Dodgelet

    Who can do it: Everyone except Pai and Shun.

    What it is: K E, G (retract K), E (or K E, d E, or anything)

    Basically, this is dodging kick (retracted) followed quickly by another dodge (or dodging kick for a dodgelet kind of result). I figure that retracting the K lets you do just about anything immediately, hence sort of cutting the recovery time of the dodge you would have had. I've heard somewhere (not sure if it's true) that the dodging kick allows you to dodge some attacks like crescents and what not. That might make this somewhat useful, but overall this is just a little thing that probably has no practical application except having a bit more fun (and a stickless movement trick).

    For those that don't know, the Dodging Kick goes dodges towards the front leg. For instance, if you are on player 1 side, facing your opponent and your right leg is the frontmost leg, E K would dodge out of the screen. If you were in this position and you did E K, G, E you get a double side step that goes out of screen, then into screen.

    I call it bobbing and weaving because the animation has a small bob to it (depends on character), with Jacky he does his little hand rotation that he does when you do a retracting kick (for obvious reasons given that last sentence).

    Looking at it, it "seems" faster than trying to dodge one way then dodge another. It seems a bit slower than dodgelet. And it seems that the range of movement is bigger than dodgelet or even variations of repeated ECDs. Another thing about it is that it approaches the opponent. The distance between the two characters will be closed in, bit by bit after repeated use, given the other character is standing still.

    Again, this might not have any real practical value to it, but I thought it was a neat little thing I messed around with. Heck, even if it's the same speed as trying to dodge one way and then the next, it at least looks a lot better and more fluid/images/icons/smile.gif



    Additional Note -- Tips:
    Timing is really not at all hard to figure out on these (because they're easy to do), but what you can try to do to get an example of how fast you can do these is rhythmically hit Guard Twice wherever Guard is appropriate in the sequence. This is especially useful for getting an idea of how to do "Stickless Dodgelets" pretty fast.

    <P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by Chanchai on 2/24/01 02:58 PM.</FONT></P>
  2. AlexMD

    AlexMD Well-Known Member

    Umm it seems to me that the k+e is a less effective dodge I've been hit out of it WAY more than a normal dodge,could just be bad luck on my part though :)
  3. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Like I said, i don't know if there's any "real practical value" in this. I just thought it was a fun little distraction. Not to mention that I was looking around and didn't see it posted anywhere. Wish I could video capture it, though I'm sure more than half of you all will know exactly what it is just by hearing it.

    I am surprised by how fast you can immitate a dodgelet with this trick though, people bobbing to their side rapidly, kinda weird looking/images/icons/smile.gif. The difference is that a really fast dodgelet will move in an almost linear fashion. While this method (stickless dodgelets) will move at an angle and closer to the opponent, but around them as well no matter how fast or slow you do this. Each dodge is also further than in a normal dodgelet.

    In general, this is almost identical to doing d, G, d, G, d, G, d,G, etc... in Soul Calibur. A really fast series of dodges that closes in on the opponent.
  4. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    It does have some value to it. K+E cancel ducks under some high circular attacks (i.e. Lau's K+G for example if timed right). It's main disadvantage is that there is recovery time and that it is not bufferable to other moves.

    K+E cancel was actually "discovered" and encouraged to be put to into use when VF3 first came out. However, when people discovered how useful buffering CDs and attacks from Es were people no longer bothered with K+E.

  5. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the response Ice, I just wasn't sure if anyone knew of this. People i've chatted with regarding it haven't heard of it.

    One more new thing about it, you can do the same thing while Turned Away since K+E does not turn you back around. However, connecting a regular dodge after it will turn you around (naturally).

    I actually found this somewhat useful in getting behind my opponents since the range it covers is much larger than using crouch dash methods.

    Also, I know there's a recovery time, but with how fast I've been doing this, it really feels like there is no recovery time (if not just such a tiny amount). Seriously, give it a try. Any of the methods I wrote about, try them as fast as you can. It's not as fast as using crouch dash methods, but it seems to be really fast. Also, comparing distance over time, it's almost identical overall in a sense. It seems to cover more range than if you were to use the crouch dashes, and considering that it is pretty fast, it seems pretty nice. Like I said, I've managed to quickly get behind a dodging opponent with it, where I would normally have to use a special dodge by Lion or Shun. And I'm talking about the E+K,G,E method here. Actually, the way I do it is E+K,G,G,E. The extra G is so I can tap those as fast as I can to make sure I didn't miss the appropriate time.

    The recovery time is cut down in terms of applying to dodges, or so it seems. As far as attacks, dodging then attacking is probably better. But you could always try to mess around with something like E+K,G,E,attack or something.


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