360 vs PS3

Discussion in 'Console' started by Kokujin, Feb 16, 2010.

  1. Kokujin

    Kokujin Active Member

    In all seriousness, how much different is the PS3 version from the 360.I am going to buy a new console, and I don't want a 360, but it has the better version off VF5.Is the 360 version that much better to merit buying a 360 instead.What are your thoughts?
  2. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Content Manager Pai Bronze Supporter

  3. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Gameplay wise there are a fair few changes.

    You can't play online with the PS3 version.

    The xbox 360 version (version C) is the most up to date version of VF5 in the west so if you aim to play competitively then that is what you want to go for.
  4. Kokujin

    Kokujin Active Member

  5. CaliJared

    CaliJared Well-Known Member

    Why don't you want a 360? It has pretty much the same games as PS3 (aside from a few exclusives) and the online is MUCH better. Unless you are dead set on a few Sony exclusives (God of War III comes to mind, the 360 seems to be the console to get.

    Of course I'd be happy with both, but I only have a 360 for now.
  6. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Maybe he wants the Blu-Ray functionality? Maybe he's a Sony fan-boy? Maybe he really like's those few exclusives? I could fill the page. [​IMG]
  7. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member


    Questions to ask yourself:
    1) You want a game machine or a blu-ray player?
    2) Are you a HUGE fan of Sony Exclusives?
    30 Do you want to play games online?

    1) Xbox 360 is better for gaming. If the same game comes out on both systems the game is usually the exact same or a bit better on 360(ex...360 offers exclusive DLC, online play, etc...). If you want a bluray player then PS3 is your choice or buy a cheap non sony bluray player to meet that need.
    2)God of War, MLB the show, Uncharted are a few examples of Sony games that are only on the PS3. If you notice that most of the games you want are on both you can bet the 360 is the better version to get... ex VF5
    3) If you play online Xbox Live is where its at. Sure you will have to pay $39 a year, but from my experience it is totally worth the cost.

    If other fanboys are reading this please do not talk shit. This is just my opinion.

    B (PS3, Wii, DS, 360, Dreamcast, and Ps2 owner)
  8. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Love the thread title......Is 2007 all over again.
  9. WolfKing

    WolfKing Well-Known Member

    Vf5 on the X360 is more recent, But the PS3 is the real man's gaming console!!!
  10. Kokujin

    Kokujin Active Member

    The only games I want on the 360 are VF5, Bayonetta,Fable 2/3,Raiden IV, and Alan Wake.Everything else is either on the PC(with a few excetions) or not worth playing.The PS3 has Heavy Rain, Uncharted, Valkyria Chronicles, Demon Souls.Sony is trying to release interesting, and somewhat different games, the 360 is just a bad PC.If VF wasn't on the 360, I wouldn't even bother buying it.Based on what I've read, I'll have to get a 360.VF5 Online is too much of an improvement to downplay.
  11. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    The only disc game I own for the 360 is VF5 Online. I also have REZ-HD and Virtual On. Other than that I mostly play PC and PS3.

    If you are a VF fan then you need to own a 360 without question. Even if you don't play online the Quest A.I. in the 360 version is reason enough to own the game.

    PS3 is the king of consoles in my house. I'll be playing Heavy Rain the second it comes out. After the awesomeness of the PS2 I'm a huge PS/SONY enthusiast. But I had no problem dropping the money of a 360, sticks, and copy of VF5 Online when it came out.

    If you like VF, and you've got the money, getting a 360 just for VF5 Online is worth it in my opinion.
    PaulMartinKPG likes this.
  12. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    So far Xbox360 is worth for gaming. The main reason for me to keep PS3 is its blu-ray function.

    PS3 Slim is still a good device, upgrade audio aspect which supports DTS-HD coding. SONY also comment that PS3 is able to be updated into 3D blu-ray player.

    Of course you are considering VF5 online as well, so maybe Xbox360 is your only choice.
  13. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    Yeah honestly I can say I bought my ps3 for the blu-ray. Although I am enjoying Demon's Souls and the GT3 demo.
  14. SicilianVizzini

    SicilianVizzini Well-Known Member

    The current state of VF would lean your decision more to the 360. But if Sega are influenced by a platform's market share in Japan, then the future of VF could well be on Playstation.

    I own both, and play both versions, the differences are very small (excluding the online; and I'm not a goldmember anyway, I had a few free months to get that curiosity out of my system). The Ai improves in both versions, but is at a better starting point in VF5c.

    I use VF5c when practising in the spare room on an PC monitor, when the lounge is in use. And I use VF5b in the lounge when playing locally; the reason being that the we all bought standard USB joysticks for ps3 first (for under £30 each). Sadly the 360 can't use these, and requires a proprietary USB joystick, which cost significantly more, and modding sticks for such a small playability difference didn't make sense to my friends, so I'm the only one who forked out for a 360 joystick.

    If you can afford it, buy both or borrow each console from a friend to make up you own mind. You can always sell on the system that doesn't suit you at an acceptable loss. And owning both copies of VF, or owning both joysticks might prove handy.
  15. zer0kage

    zer0kage Member

    I'm looking for a cheap copy but it looks like the cheap copies are PAL or American copies.

    Can my Asian 360 (poor man's NTSC J) play either one of these versions?

    I know I should re import but if there are cheaper options I'd be more glad to take those.
  16. KillerApple29

    KillerApple29 Member

    I would get the xbox if the d pad didn't suck so much god that d pad upsets me so much
  17. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    Technically a game like VF5FS could just be peer to peer on PS3. That would be ideal. A simple one on one match set up would work without servers, as the PS3 allows you to access the internet without any caveat. Even when a game on xbox has dedicated servers, they must be put behind XBL firewalls at Microsoft's headquarters in order to work.
  18. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Have you played VF5 online on the 360? Because it runs the exat same way you described.
  19. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Please dude.... Don't speak on this subject again.
  20. SicilianVizzini

    SicilianVizzini Well-Known Member

    Dedicated servers are not need for the actual (bidirectional) unicast Peer-to-Peer gaming (like VF), they are only required for the client/server lobbies that can't be reliably handed off to the entire peer network using multicast P2P.

    PSN/Live will always require a lightweight server slot per client console, just to maintain control of who can and who cannot access the network services, regardless of what game they are playing or downloading.

    Both networks are built using common technology in RFC documents and encrypted using proprietary systems, and are very similar.

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