uuuhhh. Nasty Vatista!! D:<
I say you should buy it BBounty VF3 is mad fun, I sure wasn't disappointed.
Not gonna lie I think I'm getting very excited. ^_^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLVlqVdUv4E
Kurama my favorite Yu Yu Hakusho character and definitely in my top 10 haha. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DotBCmQai0c
So dats how Shiki looks like haha
Its like your a completely different person!!
Played offline VF today and it was the best I played ever. Also had fun spamming in some ULTRA and UNIB.
I can go on for a good while of the the VGM I like, but we actually have a thread for it....
All Sarah theme but if I have to choose one it has to be 5R Park, VF3 Subway, or VF5 Aurora I'm sry but they're too goood to just choose one. T_T
VF music is some of the best VGM I have ever, I literally have a playlist for it haha.
Thanks Icky, Modelah, and Valakie.
Thank you very much
Thanks everyone I appreciate you stopping by to say it. :D
Man today my birthday and I just turned 21, god damn it I'm getting older haha.
One day I was playing rank against this Shun player(I think it was banok) and after we were done fighting he told me about VFDC and other stuff to...
I don'tt know why but the way you worded this is hilarious to me lol.
WHAT"S GOOOD?! Yeah man I'll check these out when I can.
The netcode very good almost everyone I played had minor to no lag at all.
I still need to get Catherine haha.
Here's some more hope I'm not re-uploading anything. [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
Separate names with a comma.