Comments on Profile Post by adamYUKI

  1. IcKY99
    Yes I 100% recommend u buy the brook universal pcb. I have one in my stick and used it since Evo. It's dope
    Jan 25, 2019
    adamYUKI and Oioron like this.
  2. Unicorn
    Another option will be to switch PCB for like Brooks universal fighting board. It will be more costly ofc, but you will have single PCB working everywhere basically
    Jan 25, 2019
    adamYUKI and Oioron like this.
  3. Dennis0201
    Jan 25, 2019
    adamYUKI likes this.
  4. Myke
    To answer your original question: yes. My VSHG was dual modded (ps3/360) as well, and worked successfully with an external, USB brooks converter on ps4/xbone. However, I eventually replaced the internals with a brook universal fighting board pcb, and now it just works on everything.
    Jan 26, 2019
    adamYUKI and IcKY99 like this.
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