Yeah they have KI exclusive, but KOF 14 and SFV are essentials. I hear PS4 even has Fighting EX Layer ? I remember playing the SF EX 2 on PS2 years back and it was amazing.
I think SFV was partly funded by Sony? Might be remembering that wrong. But PS4 is definitely the FGC console this generation, which is why it hurts so much that VF isn't on it.
It just shows where microsoft's priorities are in terms of communities they're catering towards. KI is great and all but one FG can't carry of the system alone. Console exclusives are bad for FG's imo too, unless you're smsh.
Buying a PS4 Pro last year is one of the best gaming decisions I've ever made. So many great games on that system. And great fighting games are among them.
I still got my 360 and a gold account for VF5FS, too.
Pc+ps4+switch ftw. Microsoft cannibalizes its own exclusives cuz I can play gow halo and forza and ki and soon sunset overdrive on pc. No reason to own a xbone unless it's a xboneX
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