Shouldn't not liking someone be more of a incentive to beat them offline? To look them in the face and be like "whats ur excuse cause it isn't lag this time.
Sorry man, but that's pretty dodgy excuse. "No fun in that?" No fun in beating a guy offline and holding it over his head. Get real. Not fun getting in real offline matches. Pttf!!!
Now i don't know the whole story, but from Tim side it sounds like u guys were going to meet up at a arcade and u didn't even show. Didn't return his calls. Just nothing. Thats a pretty dick move. But like i said i don't know ur side.
Well shiny this is my side. For the last 7 years now I've been trying to win that guys respect and it hasn't happened. He doesn't play me at all. He jumps out of rooms wen I enter them and wen I would message him for a pm he would send a message back saying he won't play me cas I instaduck at -9.
So saying that he doesn't give Me the time or respect online I'm not giving him the privilage offline. It ain't a dick or dodge move at all. I'm just fed up with his disrespectful antics. we've all been playing fs way too long for those disrespectful antics to continue as he's done. Its not dodging its a way of standing up for players that get shut out just because of there playing style or any other gimmick reason.
@Shiny, Stl_Tm is an asshat, plain and simple. He himself knows and even embraces this, as he has said in the past "I don't want to be friends with any of you" as to why he acts the way he does. You personally may not care, even after he's basically called you an idot scrub for using Goh, a brain dead character as he claims, in a voice chat a while back after you beat him. You didn't even respond, you just took that.
Which for you is fine, cause you know it'll just lead to bickering back n forth. It's not about being afraid of losing, it's just not wanting to be around someone like that. I've tried to get along with Tim, but I can't because of his attitude. I wouldn't care if homie lived on my block. No, I'm not gonna kick it with you. If you're attitude is shite, you shouldn't be surprised when ppl don't want to be around ya
No tiers, but your tears ;( vf emo's need tougher skin. You guys sure over react if you think I'm wrong for calling you out online for bypassing rules? That's called being guilty. Nobody ever said, "yep, so what?" Or "My bad!" Do I need video proof w/ slow motion?
So far u guys have not given me any good reason for u to dodge tim. U call him a asshole for shitting on ur online playstyle and given a perfect opportunity to make him eat his own word. Instead what did u do? U dodged. I will admit that tim can be a real dick, but one thing he will never do is leave a guy at a arcade who wants to play vf in his hometown.
Feauch I get what ur saying, but I know u would just tell Tim point blank that ur not going to show. Not tell him u are down and then leave him hanging. Like I said before dick move and also not a good way to get anybody to respect u in this community cmoney. FYI playing a guy online for 7 years doesn't get u respect. Beating him offline does.
And ur right shiny I did agree to meet him. But wen I seen that he's still the same his attitude or mic shouting and actually telling me that he doesn't respect me. I said fuck no I'm not meeting him. I thought he had changed but he's still same poisoning plyr that he always was. That's y he's not worth my offline time. Frfr
Back to my original point of if you were a True Competitive player you would have made Tim eat his own words, but instead you did something really despicable in my book. Answer this. What is more poisonous to the community? A Guy who yells over the mic or a guy who says he's going to show up and then ditches said player.
We both know that I'm far superior than u shiny. Last time I checked u cry mashed 6p Cas u couldn't handle my shun lol and what about my victory over you in a ft5 wen u made the excuse that u were sleepy. But you still made the challenge lol don't you dare deny that those things didn't happen. And the time u got so mad that u started jump kicking like street fighter..classic
And to answer your question a plyr that is more poisoning is a plyr that does not except others because of there playing styles or main character or whatever. A plye that if u don't let him tell u what to do he says the hell with you. That's a poison plyr and that's tm
I don't think vf needs another online warrior that dodges offline. We have plenty of those already. Hopefully u will man up and go offline to nmtc. Maybe then u will see how real is played.
I'm a vf warrior. Whether its xbl psn offline I'm a vf warrior.
Nov 12, 2016
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