I check in from time to time, hoping to one day read "VF5 for PC" or "VF4 for PC" or "VF6 for PC".. =/
Beat the rust off of me. dodge my 9k, which executed, erroneously. When ur at +15, perhaps i might see. who i could strive to be. #EllisPoem
PS3 dead. turning off after turned on. Sad. Covfefe! - pondering what used system to get back to VF5FS (is there life?).
Honestly PS3 is dead. It may be worth trying Xbox 360. There seems to be some dedicated players on that console.
Today it's voting time in sweden. since there is no 9k party, i will go for one that is not biggoted, ninja-racist or wants to ringout some.
Make your own damn party! The Imperial Flaming Swedish Spam-knee Confederation with Capt. Ellis at the helm may be just what Sweden needs! OSU
Zelda Breath Of The Wild @ 2560x1440 60FPS with a DS4 pad and honeymiss beside me taking turns is addiction <3
Id say it depends on the partner ^^ She's a capable gamer and we plan together were the F* to go next, Then its kinda just as enjoyable chilling for 1 hour in her arms and then switch like that back and forth. In a way it makes the immersion more worth it when its someone you share the awe with, like "omg what was that, less try get there and check it out!" :)
But like, if it was an online capable game i'd feel what u mean moldie. I'd shudder of the thought having like "xXx_SnipaBoB_xXx" join a game like that and go round swearing and ruining the mood and magic. But with my GF its all Awes! ^^ You should get the game Jason, in whatever way you can play it. Its the best Zelda IMO since A Link To The Past!
DS4 v2 (ps4 gamepad) works well for PS3-VF5FS so far. I use it wired. ive been told onwireless i doesnt catch diagonals on the dpad. 9/10 ^^
I think the NFL players show great patience taking a knee - rather then giving the injustices a big dammit 9K as would be more proper imo ^^
Dedicated to all the shoutbox hrrgrrrrawrghrr-conversationalists at war with eachoter ^^, from ellis and the profound inspiro-bot
I was in the forest yesterday. the forest was awesomes, i photo-modded: https://i.imgur.com/eqhdpYQ.jpg
https://i.redditmedia.com/LOBRHfNTWP10l-H9yxGspomt8ne8GrMM4d_7QIl0GeI.jpg?w=720&s=473c5b0c31b20c1fdc23dc394f0158ec ^^
Gah on cables. 2nd HDMI cable died (from receiver to monitor), and optical input is taken.. I realise how odd it is to VF without sound-cues
What's wrong? It makes perfect sense if you visualize an avalanche from a crab's perspective. Try seeing things through the crab's eye-stalks. OSU
Only perspective i care about in relation to the crab is how delicious it tastes with lemon when im forking its ass.
I object to the objectification inherent in object-oriented programming #LearningNewStuffsAndHavingAHardTimeCusReasons ^^
Perhaps if the next VF have a regular offline version, and a turnbased! one for online, that will put salve on erryones lagscarred wounds ^^
Awesome arse-kicking Rare Entity. but also very inspiring bouts by pretty much erryone that made NMTC a success, even when viewed from afar