[24 Aug 2019] Seremonia II - VF3tb tournament (Helsinki)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by NINLIA, May 24, 2019.

Seremonia II - VF3tb tournament
Start Date: 24 Aug 2019 08:00 PM
End Date: 24 Aug 2019 11:00 PM
Time Zone: Europe/Athens +03:00 EEST

Ormuspellontie 12
Helsinki 00700

Posted By: NINLIA

Confirmed Attendees: 1
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    NINLIA Member


    This year's Virtua Fighter 3tb tournament in Helsinki will be a different kind of an affair, but in a good way! This time the tournament will be held in the evening after Sugoi arcade's regular opening hours — and outdoors! A Sega Blast City cab will be brought outside, and we'll also have a hot grill ready for some BBQ-action, so don't miss out on this one-of-a-kind VF3TBBQ-tournament! Participation is free. Just bring sausages!

    You can read more about the event at bit.ly/seremonia2, or if you're into Facebook, check out our page at fb.com/videograpple and look for the events section.

    Hope to see you at Seremonia II in Helsinki! If you have any questions, you can message us through our FB page or catch me on Twitter: @videograppler - and of course I'll check in here every now and then.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2019
    AkiraZero and MadeManG74 like this.

    NINLIA Member


    We made some changes to make the event more memorable, so I wanted to bump this.
  3. ChiefGutti

    ChiefGutti Well-Known Member

    Unlucky yet again! I'll be at Gamescom during this week and hotel and train all non-refundable. Damn, that's twice in a row now. Will be watching stream if possible. Good luck to all participating!
    NINLIA likes this.

    NINLIA Member

    Here's a throwback to last year's tournament. Seremonia II takes place next week!
    ChiefGutti likes this.

    NINLIA Member

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